Prepared Gun Owners

Flyer: Gun Control Has A Racist Past Just Like Virginia’s Governor

Flyer courtesy Mom-At-Arms.

I have to tell you that the flyer above may be the best thing that I’ve seen all day.

As you know, if you read this site on a regular basis, Virginia governor Ralph Northam and his anti-gun colleagues in the Virginia state legislature have been pushing hard for gun control since they won the recent election. And that is why we are seeing a real #VAGunRightsRebellion happening right now in that state.

What many people do not know (or have conveniently forgotten) is that this flyer is right on the money. Gun control does have a racist past, and so does Ralph Northam.

We’ve discussed gun ownership and the civil rights movement here in the United States before, specifically how Martin Luther King, Jr. was a gun owner and carried on a regular basis for personal protection. But the history of the racist roots of gun control go back much farther than sixty years ago. Clayton Cramer writes,

The historical record provides compelling evidence that racism underlies gun control laws — and not in any subtle way. Throughout much of American history, governments openly stated that gun control laws were useful for keeping blacks and Hispanics “in their place” and for quieting the racial fears of whites.

Racist arms laws predate the establishment of the United States. This is not surprising. Blacks in the New World were often slaves, and revolts against slave owners often degenerated into less selective forms of racial warfare. The perception that free blacks were sympathetic to the plight of their enslaved brothers and the “dangerous” example that blacks could actually handle freedom often led New World governments to disarm all blacks, both slave and free.

Maybe it shouldn’t be any surprise that the political party pushing gun control is the same political party that resisted both the abolition of slavery and desegregation.

Which brings us back to Ralph Northam, a member of that same political party with the racist past. Doug Stanton and John Bacon write in a February 2, 2019 article,

The political crisis engulfing the state began last week with the report that Northam’s page on his 1984 medical school yearbook featured a photo of a man in blackface standing next to another man wearing a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood.

After initially suggesting that he was in the picture, he backtracked the next day and denied it, rejecting growing calls that he step down. Northam did, however, admit donning blackface for a Michael Jackson dance party more than 30 years ago.

So, let’s see: A racist past for gun control and a racist governor supporting gun control. Seems pretty obvious when you find out the truth, and someone decided to put two-and-two together and put out a flyer about it.

What really needs to happen, though, is that all of those anti-gunners who think that they are “woke” need to wake up to the truth about how gun control has historically been and continues to be racist. Share this article with anyone who you think might have eyes to see and ears to hear.