Prepared Gun Owners

Any BETS On What Will Happen To Gun Sales?

Every so often I come across an idea that a politician puts forth, and I find myself shaking my head. I mean, how utterly shortsighted and stupid can these people be?

It just boggles the mind.

Take, for example, the situation in many larger cities in America. Crime is rampant, including violent crime. The anti-2A politicians that overwhelmingly run those cities keep trying to blame legal gun owners for the problems, even though it isn’t legal gun owners who are committing the crimes (does anyone else see a logical disconnect in that thinking?).

Now, though, the mayor of one city wants to hold the victims accountable for the crimes committed there. I’m not kidding. Leon Wolf writes,

St. Louis has long had one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, and while some might say that the city’s elected leadership should be held accountable, St. Louis’s Democratic mayor Tishaura Jones recently suggested that instead the city should “hold… business owners accountable” for crimes committed on their premises, according to KOMOnews.

Jones made the comments during the Memphis meeting of the Black Mayors Coalition on Crime, which wrapped up March 28th. The discussions during this conference were closed to the media, but in an interview regarding what strategies were being discussed, Jones told WMC-TV that, “We have a lot of violence around convenience stores and gas stations. So how can we hold those business owners accountable and also bring down crime? Some of the things are already doing, we’re finding other mayors are doing as well.”

That’s right, she is saying that the businesses should be punished for crimes committed there.

Now, Mayor Jones is publicly in the anti-gun camp of politics. What does she think that punishing convenience store and gas station owners for crimes is going to do?

Seems pretty likely to me that we would see a huge increase in armed security and/or the buying of guns by those business owners to protect their businesses and to drive off criminals.

So, Mayor Jones is anti-gun and setting up a situation that will, almost certainly, cause gun sales to skyrocket?

Seems like someone hasn’t through through this policy, have they?