BREAKING: ATF Issues HORRIBLE New Order. Are They Targeting You?


Well, Biden’s ATF is at it again. No matter what Joe Biden said during his 2020 Presidential campaign, we all knew that he was a anti-2A gun control zealot. It was no secret.

So, it’s been no surprise when he’s moved forward to try to steal the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. It’s been disappointing, but we all knew that it was coming.

Now, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has issued a rule that has the potential to (quite literally) make countless Americans into criminals. A writer going by AnnieOakly writes,


Biden’s Justice Department announced a new rule yesterday stating that if a firearm with a barrel shorter than 16 inches is fitted with a brace (i.e. an AR- or AK-type pistol) it will soon be considered a short-barreled rifle under the National Firearms Act of 1934. This means that in order to legally possess the firearm in this configuration, it must be registered with the ATF and the owner must pay a tax stamp, just like an SBF. Which sucks bigtime.

That’s right, if you have one of these firearms, they want to track you (even more than they already are with their form requirements). To give you more information, here are details from the ATF’s website:

Any weapons with “stabilizing braces” or similar attachments that constitute rifles under the NFA must be registered no later than 120 days after date of publication in the Federal Register; or the short barrel removed and a 16-inch or longer rifle barrel attached to the firearm; or permanently remove and dispose of, or alter, the “stabilizing brace” such that it cannot be reattached; or the firearm is turned in to your local ATF office. Or the firearm is destroyed.

They are demanding that you either let them track you or that you give up your legally-owned firearm.

Sounds like a clear-cut instance of the ATF (again) violating the Constitution’s Second Amendment.

Mark my words: this rule is going to bring a flurry of lawsuits, and several pro-2A organizations are already promising those lawsuits.

I look forward to those lawsuits coming and to see this rule smacked down in court because the Second Amendment places no restrictions on the rights of law-abiding Americans to own and bear arms.



  1. I’m getting old, and intolerant of the government’s abuses. I’ve only one thing to say, and that’s “Come and Take It,” but make sure you bring enough body bags.

  2. The second amendment shall not be infringed upon! So let me ask all you dumb ass liberals communist understand shall not be infringed shall not be infringed shall not be infringed shall not be infringed. Go pedal your shit somewhere else if you like communism and control move to the United Nations if you don’t belong in America any of you. And what is the atf I will tell you all it is the new Storm troopers of the New Democratic Nazi party. They are showing their true colors they are in fact communist traders. Americans stand your grounds for you Rights and Freedoms remember your rights come from GOD ALMIGHTY and not these evil humans they don’t own us and they darn sure can’t take you personal items. That is stealing. If they choose to try then that is up to each individual to figure out what side you are on. Your either an American and love your rights and freedoms or you’re a communist and you’re one of the tyrants. Remember these idiots are just men like all of us but the thing is they think they have power over everyone I am here to tell you that in fact you are powerless only GOD HAS POWER let that sink in. That’s all I have on this issue. May GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  3. The ATF and any and all federal laws should be negated or repealed. This is death by a thousand cuts and the knife is real dull. The founders stated that the people should have weapons similar to the gov. so they can adequately defend themselves. these bump stocks, which Trumpy boy got sucked into, and now these braces are just ridiculous flashy add ons.
    What we should get are fully equipped tanks. Then they can ban ban canon covers for use in inclement weather, though they shouldn’t exist. They are one of many unconstitutional bureaucracies.

  4. I just wonder? How can the ATF violate the Constitution of the United States and they cannot be held accountable for it. The People can get in trouble for not registering your AR 15 with a pistol brace but if you work for the Government there is no repercussions for treading on the United States Constitution?

  5. I just wonder how The People can get in trouble for not registering your AR 15 with a pistol brace but if you work for the Government there is no repercussions for treading on the United States Constitution?

  6. Just what part of “shall not be infringed” don’t these liberal idiots understand? ‘Infringed’ means “something screwed with”! And’shall not’ means you are NOT allowed to! Hate to tell you (AGAIN!), but the 2A says you government clowns MUST keep your mitts OFF! Personally, I’m bummed the FFs (Founding Fathers) DIDN’T include some nasty little punishments for political jerks who DO eff with our rights! Betcha THAT would make them think twice!

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