What Gun Control Do Americans Really Want?


If there is one thing that leftist politicians want you to think, it’s that Americans want more gun control. After all, those politicians show us horrible tragedies that the mainstream legacy media keeps pushing in our face to create a narrative that gun violence is epidemic in America and that Americans should and do want more gun control.

But do they?

A recent Rasmussen poll went looking to find out the answer to that question. But the answer isn’t something that anti-2A politicians want to hear. Patricia Tolson writes,


In the aftermath of the mass shooting in Maine, a new survey revealed that the majority of America’s voters believe enforcing existing gun laws would do more to help prevent gun violence than passing new laws.

While previous gun-control surveys taken in the aftermath of mass shootings show a rise in the number of Americans who want more gun control laws, a new Rasmussen survey taken in the days after the fatal shooting of at least 18 people in Lewiston, Maine, shows that nearly 60 percent of American voters say the enforcement of existing laws would do more to mitigate gun violence.

While 30 percent of those surveyed believe passing new laws would do more to curb gun violence, 57 percent said stricter enforcement of existing gun control laws would be more effective.

See, I told you that those politicians would hate the poll results because more and more people are realizing that horrible mass shootings and other incidents of gun violence aren’t going to be reduced by stricter gun control laws while the existing laws on the books aren’t being enforced.

And, even then, those laws wouldn’t stop all mass shootings since criminals (like mass shooters) typically get their firearms in illegal ways anyway.

But anti-2A politicians don’t care about facts. They care about control.

And if they really cared about reducing gun violence, they would encourage more private gun ownership. Because the statistics are clear that a good guy or gal with a gun is who stops a mass shooter or a would-be mass shooter from doing even more horrible things.



  1. I don’t have the numbers handy and too tired to look them up but I suspect that the number of casualties (dead/wounded) in shytown annually exceeds the total number in all of the ‘mass’ shootings since they started counting. Yet we seldom (if ever) hear any of the gun grabbers screeching for more ‘gun control’ laws there, they sure want to go after the rest of us though.

  2. NONE !!!!!!!!!!

  3. Bring back the death penalty & make it as soon as the are found guilty they are put to death. This waiting around for ten or more years is ridiculous. It cost money to keep them housed & feed them. Once this happens it will show the Bad Guys what they will get if the kill. I believe every legal Americans should know how to shoot starting at a young age & be tought the right way to handle a gun. They should also be tough right from wrong & respect. Bad guys don’t care about laws & back ground checks. That only hurts legal American gun owners. There are enough laws on the books already to make it hard for good people to be able to defend themselves.

  4. If we want to stop this madness, it isn’t the guns that need to be off of the streets, it is the repeat, violent offenders who use firearms that need to be locked up behind bars for the maximum time allowable by law,
    and not returned to the streets to re-offend by leftist judges who are on the side of the anti-gun criminals in congress who repeatedly violate our God given constitutional rights and their oaths of office.

  5. Even if an overwhelming majority wanted more gun control, they would all be wrong to say the least, AND SHOULD BE IGNORED on this issue. Gun rights, morally, are to be written in law and enforced, even if very few people favor gun rights and if only a few of those actually exercise them. A right is a right, period, prior to government, even if most people don’t want them. Rights are not subject to a vote. In government, voting is only for deciding how best to recognize and enforce unalienable individual rights, including gun rights.

    • MK – not disagreeing with your sentiment by any means but we ignore the antis and the tactics they use at our peril. I say this because there are far too many sheeple out there who have absolutely no concept of what constitutes a right as stipulated (NOT ‘granted’) in the Constitution and swallow the lies they pass out like Halloween candy.

  6. We’ve had gun control for many – many years. As a boy growing up in Long Beach, CA during the 1930s we all had BB guns. I had a Cal. .22 air rifle. It was against the law to discharge ANY type of gun in Long Beach. A bunch of us would be headed fo the Los Angeles River with our various guns. A police car would stop and ask where we were going. We’d say we were going to do a little hunting in the river. They’d just say, “Now you guys be careful, and good hunting.” They used a little judgment then. That’s not the way it is now. During my earlier years, I did a lot of hunting. Deer, ducks, whatever. We had laws and obeyed them and I find it impossible to understand what’s wrong with that. The Second Amendment gives those of us who belong here LEGALLY the right to protect ourselves against the Totalitarian government we now face. It also protects the ‘First Amendment. If Biden respects our Constitution, which he obviously does not, he’d forget about this anti gun stuff.

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