Court Rules To Make Gun Owners In 1 State EASY TARGETS


One of the most offensive viewpoints of anti-2A bureaucrats and politicians, including activist judges (those who legislate from the bench instead of actually ruling in line with the law, especially the Constitution), is the complete and utter contempt that they have for those who care about liberty and the law. It’s appalling.

And, yet, those bureaucrats and politicians think that it’s perfectly acceptable to violate even more rights of the liberty-minded, such as gun owners.

In fact, a recent legal ruling in California went out of its way to, basically, say that the right to privacy in that state doesn’t apply to gun owners. Dave Urbanski writes,


A California appeals court ruled that the state can continue providing gun owners’ personal information to gun violence researchers, which the Associated Press said reversed a lower court judge’s 2022 decision that sharing such data violates privacy rights.

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2021 signed into law a measure allowing the state’s Department of Justice to share identifying information of more than 4 million gun owners with qualified research institutions to help them better study gun violence, accidents, and suicides, the AP said.

The information includes data such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and criminal records, all of which are collected during background checks, the AP said.

That’s right, California Gavin Newsom and whoever was in the appeals court decided that people in California don’t have privacy. At all.

It’s unbelievable.

And hypocritical.

The same people who push to make gun owners known to whoever those evil politicians and bureaucrats want to share that information with are the same group that push to gender transition children medically (as in drugs and surgery) and for minor children to have abortions without the children’s parents even knowing what is going on.

No matter what your views on any of these issues, it’s clear that Newsom and this appeals court only believe that privacy applies when it involves their pet issues and not to all citizens.

Everyone in the California government who voted for this rights violation should be impeached.



  1. California politicians should be charged with treason for violation of the US Constitution …

  2. Does that mean we can get personal information on Gavin Newsom? I’m sure he owns some type of gun. Or perhaps this only applies to the regular folk.


  4. I would think Gavin Newsom’s address would be easy enough to come by and passed on to a few interested individuals.

  5. Why do Californians allow these jack wagons in their government to violate so many of their constitutional rights? WAKE THE HELL UP IDIOTS, THEY WORK FOR YOU!

    • Sheep! California is full of sheep! Letting the wolves strut around like they are sheep dogs!

  6. And according to Title 18 USC section 927 it makes it a federal felony for ANY agency to keep a record of gun owners or to use such a record as a way of gun confiscation. Punishments are up to 20 years in prison and or a 250K fine PER person and under federal regulations and statutes this means that each separate day the law is in violation is a separate chargeable offense complete with prison time and or fines or both. So where does Newsom get off thinking he cant be legally touched and put in prison?

  7. They didn’t even have to tell the name of the state. I would have known. Lawlessness starts at the top

  8. The Constitution was written for the benefits of all the people, and that includes the people who have been convicted of any crime. The Constitution is a right, not a privilege. The Federal Government is stomping our bill of rights in the dirt because they have placed them self above the Constitution of this great Nation. Ladies & Gentlemen, Wake up if the Constitution of our country doesn’t apply to all, then it shouldn’t apply to any. The Federal Government is assaulting the American People and only the American people can take this country back and make the Government accountable for violating THE CONSTITIONAL RIGHTS WE ALL HAVE. The Government wants to control all the people in America, and the way to do that is to disarm the American People buy recking the Constitutional Rights of all citizens. Wake up, have u lost ur balls, if so go find them and put them back in there sack, and Arm yourself because we may have to go to war to keep our Constitution! Our we can take the easy way out and let the Government make genny pigs of us all.

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