Dumb Anti-Gun Protest, Gets Dumber


Leftists on the progressive protest circuit have taken an irrational protest to a new level. They staged a die-in to protest Donald Trump’s speech to the NRA. Their fake deaths were a perfect symbol of the fake struggle between courageous politicians and a supposedly evil gun lobby.

Organizations like  Handgun Control inc. used to be interested in public safety, not just politics. Their logic was simple, by making virtually all modern firearms illegal, heat of the moment homicides and suicides would be less common. These anti-gun citizens, were willing to deny normal law abiding citizens the right of gun ownership for an anticipated reduction in crimes of passion and suicide. Their platform was gun registration followed presumably by confiscation.

The Hand Gun Control Inc. platform was extremely unpopular with the American public and politically untenable. Eventually, Hand Gun Control Inc. changed it’s name to The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, they began pushing politically expedient lies. Instead of trying to “solve gun violence” with gun control they now stand on the graves of dead children after mass shootings, pretending that some ludicrous new do-nothing law would have prevented the tragedy. Utterly nonsensical laws have replaced the old registration/confiscation platform of the past.


At this point in time, the left doesn’t have any honest organizations actually interested in public safety remaining.

With that in mind, enjoy watching these hysterical nutcases faking their own deaths for a fake cause.



  1. Stupid is as stupid does. Passifists in their true glory, or lemmings following more stupid lemmings. Just hope when the time comes that they need a gun to defend themselves hopefully nobody with common sense is around. They played with dolls growing up, got picked on in school, use transgender bathrooms and had no real friends growing up. Why don’t they move to a country that doesn’t lets its citizens own guns then everyone would be happy. I certainly don’t need them getting in the way when it comes time to help defend our country because our military is understaffed by several hundred thousand soldiers…

  2. What a shame. These very people who, if they could WOULD destroy America, did not actually die in their “DIE-IN”
    NOW THE FACTS: Guns save lives. Many more than those good people who are killed by other good people. More than accidents. More even that the lives taken by the criminals who WILL have guns no matter what these idiots do.
    Australian and England and Europe have the data. Deaths don’t drop. The killers just use different weapons. And the criminals and terrorists in THOSE countries still have guns. See, the GUN GRABBING LAWS don’t disarm the bad people. Just the good ones.
    NO, GUN GRABBERS are either elite or tools of the elite. And the goal is to disarm us before they impose a dictatorship. History has shown it. In fact, I can’t name a single time that a nation was disarmed that did not follow with MASS EXTERMINATION and DICTATORSHIP.

  3. I am amazed that liberals cannot see the real issue. I realize that mental health is lacking. But humans are the problem, not the guns. We have to focus on the people.

    • The liberals do see the guns as a problem because they want a socialist type of government and they can never have one with America armed.

  4. These people don’t have a clue about our constitution and Bill of rights, those b of us that carry are prepared to look evil in the eye and not flinch. It might be one of you I might save because I’m not Willie Nellie scared of a load wespon. US Law abiding gun owners protect everyone in that community not just the home where he lives, those people know where the guns are,

  5. If you asked these folks their opinion on the war on drugs they would tell you that banning drugs is a waste of time, money and resources. Making drugs illegal only creates an underground black market of criminal activity and does nothing to diminish the supply on the street. But, they say, if we would just allow our wise leaders to ban guns, then they would all disappear and our country would be much safer.

  6. I’d bet if you were to ask these folks their opinion on the war on drugs, they would tell you that banning drugs is a waste of time, money and resources. Making drugs illegal only creates an underground black market of criminal activity and does nothing to diminish the supply on the street. But somehow they believe that if we would just allow our wise leaders to ban guns, then they would all disappear and our country would be much safer.

  7. You guys are just being to hard on these Ah Um Ah damn forgot how shameless of me to think I would have to save an anti gun moron who would be in my line of site, as I’m ready to take an enemy out, while I Suppose I should just take both of them out, because if war is declared, the anti gun people would be open targets. Now think about that for a minute,ISIS is going door to door killing anyone they find in a home, can I as a responsible and experienced retired soldier sit in my home knowing my Mormon neighbor with 5 beautiful kids do nothing. The anti-gun people will get a lot of people killed. Soros dont care, ISIS ,DONT care, and Muslims won’t care This would be the realty of our situation. People the world is a terrible and violent place, I live in Colorado and we have experienced several tragedies where guns had to be used, if someone had a weapon on them, several lives could have been saved.

  8. Lieing down ‘dead’ fits them perfectly. They are as useless as corpses for gaining, working for protecting the rights of the living to defend themselves with legally owned guns against criminal predators. Must have been really tough on them, lieing prone on soft grass. Human marshmallows.

  9. We The People also have the right to have our weapons to keep the government in check. I have never seen one of my weapons get up and walk out and shoot anything on it’s own.

  10. Why should we heed the actions of these children?

    Marginalize them and their efforts to socially- engineer our society in their image by ignoring them.

    IGNORE them.

    When no one pays any attention, they’ll go away. It’s like having a child throwing a temper tantrum holding their breath. Ignore it. When they pass out, guide them gently to the floor — then go away. They’ll wake up wondering where their audience went, and not repeat this behavior having learned it doesn’t work.

    Wringing your hands over their actions only validates their protests and wastes your time.

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