Meet The “Journalist” Who Thinks Owning An AR-15 Makes You A “Mass Murderer”


Sometimes the stupidity of people is appalling. Especially when that person is in a position of influence like the media.

Well, if you’re like me, then a recent tweet by a Newsweek reporter might make you choke on your coffee, it is so utterly idiotic. On November 17, 2018, Nina Burleigh tweeted (hat tip to here for the lead):

Almost every single person I’ve ever heard of with an AR-15 has been a mass murderer. Based on Twitter sample the rest of them are scarily paranoid. Get on the right side of history @DLoesch@Rambobiggs#gunsense

You would think that someone who is a journalist would know how to do some basic research to know that those who support gun ownership are on the right side of history. In fact, a article gives us the straight facts:


According to Gun Owners of America, the governments of the world slaughtered more than 170 million of their own people during the 20th century. The vast majority of those people had been disarmed by their own governments. Why? It wasn’t to stop crime.

It would do Burleigh some good to actually do her job and do some research because private gun ownership decreases crime rates and helps to prevent governments from murdering their own people.

Oh, and to be clear, the largest mass murderers of people are their own governments.

So, the next time someone asks you why you distrust the mainstream media, point them towards this Tweet by a Newsweek journalist and the facts about gun ownership. Guns, yes, even AR-15s, are not primarily owned by mass murderers. They are owned by law-abiding citizens who want to keep both their families and themselves safe, and it is exactly this kind of skewed viewpoint and disinformation put out by a major news outlet journalist that makes people distrust the mainstream media.




  1. Scary Black Gun Syndrome, again..An UnEducated Leftist, at Best; a ‘Malicious Gun banner (& more) potentially…Obviously , an UNTRUE narrative/whine/ BIASED tweet from ‘one who never saw a gun she liked’, why didn’t her Editor/ etc, CATCH this Pre-posting?( Leftists Unanymous?). It serves the Left, EVEN AS A LIE, if anyone Believes it…RETRACTION, ‘NEWS’week? I doubt it..
    She WILL NOT BE the young cop, just doing their LAW ENFORCEMENT job, following a Court Order , to collect ,’TEMPORARILY’, a firearm enthusiast/ home defendors firearms , at 4am, now , WILL SHE?

    • The M1 Carbine of WWII an the AR-15 of today are similer in many ways both are semi-automatics, both are magazine feed, both are small caliber but the M1 carbine has a very scary brown wooden stock.

    • I don’t know but here are some simple facts it’s better to have a gun and not need it>>than to need one and not have it>>Here’s another one that Mikey Bloomberg’s everytown for gun safety won’t tell you. When you have only seconds to live the cops are only minutes away(ACTUALLY YOU Are already dead when they get there)FACT. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS OR NOT TO>YOU DO NOT HOWEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TO TELL ME I CANNOT OWN ONE<>AND LIVE IN GATED COMMUNITIES WITH 24HRS ARMED GUARDS SERVICE???NOW WHAT DO YOU HAVE>>>???DON’T BELIEVE THE SOCIALIST BS WELL THE COPS WILL PROTECT YOU??? SCARY FACT THE COPS HAVE NO DUTY TO PROTECT YOU SUPREME COURT DECISION???

  2. Really I know lots of folks with AR15’s and they have not killed anyone, gee there must be something wrong with these people or this reporter didn’t do any research which I think is the problem here, just another example of someone who just gives there opinion with no real fact.

    • You are correct with one exception, this so called reporter is not interested in doing any research.

  3. This women obviously is no journalist she has done no research to back up such a Asinine absurd illogical claim! This is just another of the people suffering from N. R. A. Derangement Mental Illness. They spew lies and love those lies. Hitler said it is easier to sale a nog lie then a bunch of smallones. She is no more a journalist then I am a Doctor! I am a History and Political Science Bachelor’s Degree and was 16 hours away from a Masters of Divinity Degree in Christian Apologetics, so not a Doctor hint meanon She is no journalist.

    • This women obviously is no journalist she has done no research to back up such a Asinine absurd illogical claim! This is just another of the people suffering from N. R. A. Derangement Mental Illness. They spew lies and love those lies. Hitler said it is easier to sale a nog lie then a bunch of smallones. She is no more a journalist then I am a Doctor! I have a History and Political Science Bachelor’s Degree and was 16 hours away from a Masters of Divinity Degree in Christian Apologetics, so I am not a Doctor hint meaning She is no journalist.

  4. I just love when another uneducated liberal talks guns and gun control. It proves the point of every American that owns a gun that those who yell the loudest are usually the dumbest. When it comes time to protect your family and 911 puts you on hold think about how having even a hand gun could have helped you or your family. Never give up your 2nd amendment ever. As far as a AR-15 goes its the largest selling gun in the UNITED STATES so we are not all mass murderers we are Americans who enjoy gun ownership. I will now step off my soap box. sorry folks

      • I wonder if Burleigh even has enough brains to open the door & get in out of the rain? she needs to go and protect the OBAMAS . They are anti-gun also

  5. There’s enough gun control & I know alot of ppl who has at-15, none of them r mass murderers. It helps with few things : easier & quicker method to hurt or scare criminals off & hunting

  6. Well Nina – do you give it away or do you charge? After all you have ‘female parts’ so either you are a slut or a hooker – that is the same ‘reasoning’ you are using regarding guns in general and AR-15s in particular.
    I know I shouldn’t be so blunt but I’m getting sick and tired of these absolutists and their lack of common sense.

  7. Well It seems like I am a defective person and the AR15 I own must be defective the reason I feel this way is the fact Neither I nor my AR15 have killed anything actually the AR15 has not been fired by me nor has it left the safe and fired it’s self. This leads me to believe that both the AR15 and myself must be defective. Can this so called reporter please advise me of the problem ?

    • Ya Ice, there is a problem with you and your AR15, just as there is with all the rest of us. The manufacturer neglected to put the stupid switch on the really guns. They reserve that switch for the leftist wingnuts.

  8. “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.”

    Sigmond Freud – quote from his General Introduction to Psychoanalysis

  9. Just to celebrate this ‘journalist’s views…I’m going and buy ‘another’ AR15. I wanted to get one, anyway, but this will make it special.

  10. Ya can not fix STUPID and this broad is ate up with the DUMBASS check the shooters back rounds 99.9% are DISGRUNTLED Democrats or affiliates she is in the same boat with Joy Behar and Woppiee Goldberg they claim to know but their brain is as empty as obumers promises were find a real job and get out of FANTASY LAND

  11. The gun grab is totally false. This person is passing out fake news. I have had firearms since I was 10 years old. Today I am 81. None of those weapons have ever been used to shoot another human.

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