Paranoid Snowflake Gets Triggered By Police Officers Sitting Near Them In Coffee Shop


There are times when I think that our country is going to the dogs because so many in the up-and-coming generation have been taught to be winy little cowards. There are exceptions, but the winy little cowards seem to have a lot of pull with college administrators, anti-gun politicians, and the media, so you hear their complaints often.

Now, you may be asking why I label many in their teens and twenties as winy little cowards. A recent story out of Tempe, Arizona will prove my point. Ashe Schow writes,

Several police officers were asked to leave a Starbucks coffee shop or at least move out of the line of sight after a customer reportedly complained the officers made them “not feel safe.”

Fox News reported that the Tempe, Arizona, officers were merely drinking coffee before their shift when a barista asked them to leave or “move out of the complaining customer’s line of sight.”

On Twitter, the Tempe Officers Association — a police union — wrote about the incident on Friday and included a mock image of the Starbucks logo that showed a hand pouring out a cup of coffee with the words “Dump Starbucks” circling the image.

“Don’t appreciate @Starbucks asking our #Tempe cops to leave your establishment on the #4thofjuly2019. Several of those cops are #veterans who fought for this country! #ZeroRespect,” the union wrote.

Now, before you complain that the article doesn’t say how old the complaining customer was, take a moment and ask yourself if you know of any other group of people who would complain to management because they didn’t feel safe about some police officers having a cup of coffee. I don’t.


Some people may say that this is a person who has a problem with the police, and we’ve certainly reported on police abuse at times. But, let’s be honest, do you really think that the complainer would have had a problem if the officer was some guy carrying concealed? Unlikely. It’s almost certainly the fear of the offcers’ guns which scared this person. As if the gun can act on its own.

Frankly, this almost can’t be anything but a situation of an ignorant person who is terrified to be in the presence of a gun complaining because the person carrying the firearm is in their line of sight.

Instead of asking the officers to move or leave, the barista should have told the complaining customer to get educated about firearms and grow up.



  1. Dear Editor,

    Why does the person have to be whiny snowflake? Your entire write up is based off of your own opinion. I did not read anywhere in your rant where you interviewed anyone. All I saw is what you cited from the police union. Was this person that felt uncomfortable, a person of color? Law enforcement is America’s largest gang and commits a vast majority of crimes, uses tactics of intimidation, coerces witnesses, etc. Your view in the article is complete nonsense. We also notice that you hide behind your name, “Editor,” as you are a keyboard thug. Individuals like you create a larger divide amongst people with immature rhetoric. I am a gun owner and have friends as well as family in LE. I still feel uneasy around officers because I know that they are capable of inhumane violence and 9 times out of 10 they get to walk free in a court of law due to all the behind the scenes action that’s involved. I think you need to look at both perspectives rather than writing a name calling piece to help you feel better about yourself. Yes, it’s free speech, however intelligent creatures would use that amendment to build bridges rather than burn them down. Think first, write second.

    • Hey Snowflake:
      Couldn’t leave YOUR name? Hypocritical comes to mind!
      I seriously doubt that you have any members in LE because 99% of LE are fantastic people who really CARE about their communities.
      The days of police abuses has died along with your stereotypes….. oh, say the 1960’s!!
      Grow-up, or at least grow a pair.
      Joseph M Budd, Dallas, Texas

    • You didnt understand a single thing about the article
      It’s about morons that cry wolf for no reason probably because they have been given everything and dont respect shit
      Just people that were pampered only because they whine
      Wake up and quit watching your horror shows or quit playing your video games and visit the real world

    • When WELL OVER 80% of all mass shootings, in the U.S., are committed by those of African descent …. When those of African descent murder FIVE TIMES MORE people of European descent than European descent murder African descent ….

      Every time I see anyone, anywhere of African descent …. I am aware of their inhumane rhetoric, but mostly their actions. And, with Trump’s new “Criminal Justice Reform” it is only going to get worse, by a geometric multiple.

      Before responding with a “comment”, little Education is Key”, think first, write second.

    • Robert – WE are pretty picky about to whom we build bridges…………..and certainly not interested in building any in your direction (typical leftie sob sister) or the whiny little snot who got “scared” at Starbucks.

    • As a former law enforcement officer, I’ll bet those family members who are in LE would be kicking your ass all over your residence if you voiced your opinion, such as stated to the editor. By the way, your entire write up is based soley on your opinion, who did you interview? If your “feelings and knowledge” make you feel uneasy around LE because “you know they are capable of inhumane violence” And stop assuming you are aware of something you can not prove, “Law enforcement is America’s largest gang and commits a vast majority of crimes, uses tactics of intimidation, coerces witnesses, etc.” and “9 times out of 10 they get to walk free in a court of law due to all the scenes actio90m that’s involved”. Stop being a “whiny snowflake” and get off your lazy butt and participate in your local law enforcement “ride along program”

    • oh come on. you cant believe the ignorant crap you just wrote. the new catch phrase “I don’t feel safe” is straight out of the twenty-something new vocab. and its easy to see that you are on the loony left by your description of the police in this country. your out look and attitude is exactly what is driving this country down the road to hell. and as for you being a gun owner I call bs. your attitude and out look just don’t go along with the many gun owners I know and love. so long snowflake.

    • Congratulations you are a gun owner with a little brain my my some of those men fought to defend your mouth running and if a paranoid snowflakes don’t like it to bad.

    • ” I still feel uneasy around officers because I know that they are capable of inhumane violence and 9 times out of 10 they get to walk free in a court of law due to all the behind the scenes action that’s involved.” “Law enforcement is America’s largest gang and commits a vast majority of crimes” Your quotes are no better than what you accuse the editor of and you choose to hide behind a “pseudonym” It is ignorant statements like yours that go a long way toward helping to divide our nation, the FACTS do not support your rhetoric. The issues with snowflakes on the other hand, are numerous, imagine, having to have a safe place on today’s college campuses, just to survive the “micro aggression’s” that might be there, our colleges and society that allow and promote this crap are doing our youth a great disservice, close to fraud, these kids are ill prepared for the real world and the idiot in starbuck’s is a prime example. To law enforcement, thank you for your service.

    • Wow another anti cop person that doesn’t know what he is talking about.recon he is just another commie spouting off.

    • Face the fact whinner you idiots if the current generation are a bunch of wheenie whinnie asses and no one has to interview cowards.

      • The “NOW” generation has little concept of the proper way to treat others and just as much respect. It seems that the whiney minority rules the moral MAJORITY, which is not what this country was founded on. The reason Trump was elected, and will be elected, again. Guns kill people just like spoons make people fat, and cars make drivers drunk = cars kill 10X more people than cars, so why not ban them ???

    • Hey snowflake everything you wrote is bullshit. The only people causing division in this country is the democrats with they’re identity politics and calling everyone a racist and people like you who only attack our men and woman police officers. Its funny no one mentions the police when we have a mass shooter and these brave men and woman not having any idea who is doing the shooting but they still are running towards the gun fire to save lives

  2. Education is Key,
    You are off topic and wrong. There has NEVER been an instance of Police violence that didn’t start with a conversation. The violence only comes with refusal to obey an officer’s instructions. When an officer issues a command he is obligated to enforce compliance. “Put down the weapon” “put your hands on your head” “stop resisting” are recent examples. Innocent or not, if the suspect does not wish to comply, should the officer just say “OK, have a nice day”? People have lost all respect and prefer anarchy.

    • I guess you have been living under a rock if this is the first time you have heard about this incident. After this happened, Starbucks’ management took the store to task for their handling of this situation because even they recognized that the barista was completely in error and needed re-education. So, to paraphrase you, your view in your response is complete nonsense. I also notice you hide behind your name, Education is key, “as you are a keyboard thug.” Individuals like you create turmoil and a larger divide in society with your immature and divisive rhetoric. I would guess you to be a millennial for that reason.

      I have a question. Do you feel more ill at ease around gang members like MS 13 members or the Bloods and the Crips than you do around cops? If you want to talk about people capable of inhumane violence who, if they are illegal, will be held and maybe deported, only to return, bringing drugs and violence. In 2018, 57 people were killed in public mass shootings. During that period of time more than 2,000 people were killed by illegal aliens. If I had to choose who I was going to hang with, it would be a cop.

      I am a 69 year old Army Veteran who has seen more violence than the average American in the US because if you want to talk about inhumane violence, our job overseas back in the early 70’s was to wreak as much inhumane violence on the guys trying to kill us.
      Now, are there corrupt cops? Absolutely! But, did you know that 57% of unarmed black males, killed by cops, are killed by black cops. And white cops kill more unarmed white people than black. Are you more afraid of black cops than white? Statistically, you are safer with a cop than any other demographic unless you are breaking the law. Then, you are on your own.

      You appear to be the one who is writing a name calling piece to help you feel better about yourself. It would also appear that you did not think before you wrote, nor did you research anything about the incident. It seems to me, you sit back waiting to be offended so you can attack someone for no good reason. As I said before, I would guess you to be a millennial.

    • Twenty somethings are snowflakes they are lazy don’t want to work r owed everything they feel or think they r entitled the police probably bought three own coffee while the snowflake used mommies credit card

  3. The point was Starbucks asked a “group” of customers to move or leave rather than suggest an individual customer change seats. Apparently Starbucks doesn’t care much for law enforcement either

    • So true!! I agree with this totally. If people would show more respect for police officers and do what the police officer tells them to do there would be much less problems going on People need to use the brains God gave them for Petes sake–that is if they have a brain!!!

  4. Education is, indeed, the key. A generation of people has been educated to be stupid. They studied hard.

  5. The treatment of Law Enforcement and Military by the younger generation is appalling! This makes me ill. You do not ask the officer’s to leave, you ask the self entitled asshat to leave. And then you buy the officers a cup of coffee!

  6. It was one customer? Then the server should have suggested that the one customer move, simple as that. Kowtow to one paying customer or to the multi paying customers???? The servers do not have the owners business in mind ONLY their petty liberal pissant thinking.

  7. To an uneducated key the officers should have asked for the whiner’s name so they can let the Tempe force know that that this citizen no longer will be turning to the police for help for him or his family so if any calls come from his house or cell phone they do not need to respond so they won’t scare him or his family and they do not want tobe scared by him what goes around comes around. by the way should we put your name on that list also?

    • Donald Hufford: Would it be a good idea to cater to snowflakes afraid of the police, that they be required to “opt-in” if they want any help from law enforcement ?

  8. Does that mean if I were to complain about that one customer, the server would ask him/her to leave? If it only takes one complaint, seems fair to me.
    And to Education is the key, follow your own advice – think first, write second. and don’t accuse someone of hiding behind ‘Editor’ when you can’t even leave your name.

    What a f***ing loser!

  9. I got stopped for speeding; i wasn’t concentrating & missed several posted limits for a little town. It was nighttime. The young officer let me go; i certainly did not deny my excessive speed. I told him, “i appreciate you.” He told me “i appreciate being appreciated.”

    • I made a let turn at a tee intersection in my town with a great big no left turn sign right in front of me and two cops sitting in a lot watching me, they stopped me and asked me why I did it after seeing them in the lot. I told them I usually don’t come out that way pulled to the stop sign looked for traffic and turned left, they asked me if I saw the sign and I said about half way through the turn. They laughed at me and the other one who had been silent asked where I was going and I said and pointed to the little shop and said I was going to get breakfast. He said well now you know the sign is there and we are going for breakfast too. I figured I was going to be buying coffee for them but they walked in right behind me and said lets sit over there, they bought my breakfast and I left the tip they said it was nice that I had a sense of humor and was honest with the they also noted that they saw me make sure there was no traffic. No we eat breakfast together a lot and go riding on our motorcycles when they are off. Made a couple of friends , after a month I did have to tell them I was a former cop in DC.

  10. I am very familiar with this Starbucks and the barista involved and don’t doubt for a minute that there was a “snowflake” involved. I also know most of the officers and feel for their embarrassment caused by this action.
    I will never enter this establishment again.
    Starbucks corp. offered a very lame apology.
    Hopefully they won’t need to call 911 anytime soon.

  11. Asking the single person to change seats is the most logical advise. Or sympathetically tell them free choice still reins they had the choice to get up and leave. Now Starbucks will lose business of more than one customer.
    Think it through before intervention on any disturbance.

    • Rona. Claus : Sorry but your use of “reins” reminds me too much of the low quality of education(?) we have in California. “Reigns” is the word for ruling over, to govern or control. Rain is the water drops falling from clouds. “Reins” are the (usually leather) straps that go from a rider’s hands to a bit (usually metal) in a horse’s mouth to cue the horse for slowing down, stopping, turning, and so on. Hence, the term “to rein in” derives from using reins to slow down or stop a horse. So, the origin of to reign in one’s enthusiasm, temper, and so on. I’ve only seen once, when someone used the word “hart” in the sense of “I don’t have the “hart” to do…” instead of “heart”. “Hart” is the male of the European red deer, “hind” is the female.

  12. Education is key
    I guess you have been living under a rock if this is the first time you have heard about this incident. After this happened, Starbucks’ management took the store to task for their handling of this situation because even they recognized that the barista was completely in error and needed re-education. So, to paraphrase you, your view in your response is complete nonsense. I also notice you hide behind your name, Education is key, “as you are a keyboard thug.” Individuals like you create turmoil and a larger divide in society with your immature and divisive rhetoric. I would guess you to be a millennial for that reason.

    I have a question. Do you feel more ill at ease around gang members like MS 13 members or the Bloods and the Crips than you do around cops? If you want to talk about people capable of inhumane violence who, if they are illegal, will be held and maybe deported, only to return, bringing drugs and violence. In 2018, 57 people were killed in public mass shootings. During that period of time more than 2,000 people were killed by illegal aliens. If I had to choose who I was going to hang with, it would be a cop.

    I am a 69 year old Army Veteran who has seen more violence than the average American in the US because if you want to talk about inhumane violence, our job overseas back in the early 70’s was to wreak as much inhumane violence on the guys trying to kill us.
    Now, are there corrupt cops? Absolutely! But, did you know that 57% of unarmed black males, killed by cops, are killed by black cops. And white cops kill more unarmed white people than black. Are you more afraid of black cops than white? Statistically, you are safer with a cop than any other demographic unless you are breaking the law. Then, you are on your own.

    You appear to be the one who is writing a name calling piece to help you feel better about yourself. It would also appear that you did not think before you wrote, nor did you research anything about the incident. It seems to me, you sit back waiting to be offended so you can attack someone for no good reason. As I said before, I would guess you to be a millennial.

  13. The Police are here to protect us. People who make nasty remarks about the Police or who do not appreciate the presence of the Police should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to call the Police for help, or for any other reason. It would serve those people right if their houses were assaulted and destroyed. Wonder if they would change their minds under those circumstances. Wonder if they would wish they had kept their mouths shut. Just wondering. (By the way, I have zero respect for anyone who disrespects the police or any other area of law enforcement.)

  14. We only have the “barista’s” “word” that it was a customer that complained.

  15. This is exactly why I don’t go to there. I don’t want none of their high-priced burnt coffee (if that is what you can call that toxic liquid). If I saw a cop or somebody with a gun on their side I wouldn’t be afraid, I would feel a lot more safer. Hubert Paulson, that’s all it takes in a place that serves mainly to yuppies and such!

  16. Why do whiney commie snowflakes always get their way? What is all this catering to them? The sniveling little brats need a dose of reality. We aren’t here to accommodate cowards. Stop giving them a voice. No one cares what they have to say. I have a millennial daughter who would laugh at and kick the ass of such immature drivel. Grow up millenials. It’s way overdue. Most LE are good ppl. Give them a break ffs. Don’t let the few bad cops and millenials call the shots. No pin intended but do what you want with it. You will anyway. 😑😑 geeze…. afraid of guns. Lol watch out! That gun will jump out of the holster on its own and bite you! 😂

  17. Just my opinion, but if people are feeling threatened by police, I wonder what they have done to be that way? Have they committed a crime? Are they contemplating committing a crime? Criminals are often rattled in the presence of law enforcement. Granted that isn’t the case in every instance, but I do wonder why people want to bash the same people who they expect to save their sorry a$$es. Sheer stupidity in my opinion. There’s a new medication I would recommend to them: Growacet. JMO

  18. I am not surprised at what occurred at the Starbucks. Several years ago I was in a McDonald’s standing in line behind two Virginia State Troopers when a young lady with a small child asked the Troopers if they would remove their sidearms and leave them in their police units as she feared for the safety of her small child. I was floored at this request and was ready to make a comment when the one of the Troopers calmly explained to the lady that the weapon was part of his uniform and he would be considered out of uniform if he removed his weapon. The young lady left with her child. To this day I was impressed with the demeanor of the Trooper and flabbergasted by the young lady’s requested. I sometime wonder what the color of the sun is on that young lady’s planet.

    • What I don’t get is why she doesn’t realize that this Trooper’s sidearm is there to protect her and her young child, from all the evils in the world that might befall them. We all agreed a long time ago to pay people to be our security, our own people are our cops. We pay them to look out for us, they took an oath to serve and protect. If they can’t see they’re just trying to live up to their oath then this lady is listening to the wrong people. The only ones that don’t trust the cops, are the ones that the cops don’t trust, usually with good reason. Maybe if they treated cops with a modicum of respect there wouldn’t be as many bad cops either.

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