This Guy Bought AR-15s For His Sons. Here’s Why


AR-15s are one of the bogeymen of anti-gunners. Just the terms scares them. You’d almost think that the terms “John Wick” and “AR-15” mean the same thing to them.

But other people have a different perspective about AR-15s. In fact, one writer, John Eldson, says that he specifically bought AR-15s for his sons. This will shock some people, but Eldson has very specific reasons why he made this purchase, and he’s happy to share them with you for your consideration. Eldson writes,

According to the Washington Post, 91% of Trump coverage by the three broadcast networks, which include ABC, is negative.  When a right-wing lunatic massacred people of Mexican descent at an El Paso Walmart in August 2019, the networks blamed the attack on Trump’s “hateful” rhetoric about immigrants.

ABC News promptly produced a story to support the mainstream media’s narrative that violence by Trump-supporters had reached epidemic proportions.  Twisting itself into a pretzel in an attempt to justify the charge, the network scoured the country for instances where bad apples among the 63 million people who voted for Trump perpetrated violence allegedly inspired by him.  After an exhaustive search, ABC News came up with a grand total of 36 violent crimes where Trump’s name was invoked.  

Some quick math: 36 bad apples divided by 63 million Trump voters equals 0.0000005.  In other words, ABC News hyped a story about violent acts allegedly perpetrated by zero point zero zero zero zero five percent of Trump’s supporters.  That’s five hundred-thousandths of one percent.  Some epidemic.

But Eldson, then, reviews the flip side of the violence equation and details 37 incidents of violence or attempted violence against Trump supporters. You probably didn’t hear about any of those in the media, did you? Eldson continues,


Here’s why I bought AR-15s for my sons: when Lenin was asked how the Bolsheviks planned to keep the Russian masses from listening to counterrevolutionaries, he replied in so many words, “We must teach our followers to direct unbridled hatred toward our opponents.”  A half-century later, Saul Alinsky taught Lenin’s “teach them to hate” strategy to the post-1960s Democratic Party, which turned it into an art form.  

In August 2016, before Trump was even elected, frenzied rank-and-file Democrats in Minnesota put Lenin’s strategy into practice by repeatedly punching an elderly man in the kidney and spitting on other attendees who were forced to walk a gauntlet of political hatred as they left a Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis.  Please take 30 seconds to watch how successful the Democratic Party has been at inciting its followers to direct seething hatred toward Republicans.  

To the best of my knowledge, not a single prominent Democrat forcefully condemned the outrageous incident in Minneapolis, or hundreds upon thousands of others like it.  And why would they?  With invaluable help from the Clinton campaign and the DNC, their own “resistance” movement has intentionally incited anti-Trump violence at every turn.

When a political party teaches its followers to hate the other side, things are not likely to end well.  If Trump is re-elected, I fear that the party of Marx, Lenin, Alinsky, and Obama will quietly turn loose its dogs of war in a seditious attempt to destabilize America, to make it “ungovernable” until Democrats regain power.  If that happens, widespread anarchy will follow.  And that’s why I bought my law-abiding sons AR-15s and enough ammunition to defend themselves — and their country — against a possible bloody insurrection incited by a once-honorable party that has betrayed the constitutional republic it swore to protect and defend. 

So, there is your answer. Eldson bought AR-15s for his sons because, overwhelmingly, the people initiating violence in this country are anti-gunners bent on turning our country into a scary world built on their delusion, and they don’t mind hurting innocent people to do so. Firearms, like AR-15s, are often the first line of defense against those who initiate violence. Sometimes, when a person is physically weak or ill, these rifles are the only line of defense.

Gun rights are about protecting your right to be free. Don’t believe the lie told by anti-gunners that gun rights are about initiating violence. It’s the exact opposite. Gun rights are about preventing anti-gunners from hurting other people.



  1. Very well put!! The true purpose of anti-gun activity is to turn our form of government into a Communist dictatorship. Allow me to recommend the movie “Amerigeddon” but yo may need to buy the DVD.

  2. Great article! I think maybe we should start thinking hard about what is said here! I’ve said the same thing in the past. I hope it never comes to this but who knows with the way liberals have been acting since Trump took office. I’m thinking this guy is spot on!

  3. No matter Who wins the Election the Feces will Hit the Fan. If Trump Wins the Left will come Unglued, They will Riot, and Their Attacks will become even more Violent and Vicious. Now if Biden Wins We will Know that the Left has Once Again Managed to Steal an Election, and We will have No Recourse but to Rise up in Full Blown Rebellion to Restore Our Nation to its Founding Principles. Folks Civil War seems to be in Our Future, and the Country is too Divided by Hate to ever Reconcile. Everyone needs to start Preparing for what is to come, so Please Use the Time remaining Wisely!

    • If biden wins, the party of marx, lenin, alinsky and obama will still turn their dogs of war against America, because that is was communists always do when they gain power. They kill their opponents. While we can use the coronavirus as an excuse to prepare, we need to get serious about it. And yes, buy toilet paper, food, medical supplies, guns and ammo. And train, train, and train some more, because in combat, how you trained is how you will fight.

  4. MULEY1
    Than against him!!
    You get the picture bro!!
    It will get messy!!!
    But we will win!!!
    GOD BLESS THE USA!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏👍🏻

    • Thank you Michael!! My words exactly, (except I missed the Motorcycle Clubs)! You are unfortunately correct in stating it will be messy, but we who own and know how to wield firearms, will try to keep the messiness and collateral damage to a minimum, unlike the anti-gunners henchmen who will try to make it as messy as possible, including killing innocents!

    • Amen stay strong and diligent America. We The People see what is really going on and it is time We stand together and stand strong. We will win against this corrupt government and its followers. They are evil. But We will have GOD almighty on our side. The left is pushing hard for their NWO but they will lose. But remember the main people behind the NWO are very evil people the deep state most of them sold their souls to the devil himself. This is true but I for one am ready to send some demons straight to HELL. GOD will be with us in this stand for truth, justice, and our freedoms. So to all patriots now We wait for them to make their move. This fake virus is the start I believe. But be diligent and keep very alert. That way when the SHTF you won’t have to scramble you will already be ready like the minutemen. And please I encourage everyone to get back to GOD and keep praying 🙏

  5. “If Trump is re-elected, I fear that the party of Marx, Lenin, Alinsky, and Obama will quietly turn loose its dogs of war in a seditious attempt to destabilize America, to make it “ungovernable” until Democrats regain power.” The democrats won’t quietly turn loose their dogs of war. They will be very loud about it and encourage death and destruction upon all of America. And this is what we should be preparing for, by buying, yes, toilet paper, food, medical supplies, guns and ammo. This is what we should train for and get our mental state into because its coming in November.

    • Well stated you are 100% correct we all might wish it was not so but must deal with how it is not how we wish it was stand strong and stand together the only chance we have to keep a free nation

  6. well it makes sense, fathers for many years have been giving varmint guns to their kids, they shoot well and don’t have the kick of a high power rifle, so i think he made a good choice, as for me i will stick with my lever action rifle, not to try and take away anything from the ar15 i just don’t like the way they look or feel. but it’s everyone’s personal choice and i hole heartily support that..

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