The Real Reason Anti-Gunners And Politicians REALLY Want To Ban 1 Specific Type Of Gun


One of the most disturbing issues with Americans these days is that they don’t understand the truth about American history and either what is in the Constitution or the motivation for the different amendments in the Bill or Rights.

Take the Second Amendment, for example. Many people think that the Second Amendment was put into place so that people have the ability to defend themselves from criminals, and being able to defend yourself and your family is certainly one of the benefits of gun ownership. But it isn’t the point of the Second Amendment.

No, the point of the Second Amendment is that the people should be armed so that the government is afraid of the people, so that the government isn’t willing or able to oppress their people because the people are not sheep. The point of the Second Amendment is to make the people of the United States dangerous (to be clear, no one advocates starting a war with the Federal government, but the fact that we’re armed is supposed to make those in government afraid).


Obviously, there are people who have sworn to uphold the Constitution who don’t understand this about the Constitution, or, if they do, they don’t really take their oath of office seriously. Or they don’t care, and they want to oppress you.

A sheriff in Illinois is clearly one of those who either doesn’t know the Constitution or doesn’t care. Shabnam Danesh writes,

[Cook County Sheriff Thomas] Dart said only a criminal would need a ghost gun, so banning them is common-sense legislation.

“Why anybody would ever think there is a useful purpose behind having guns that are untraceable, I can’t imagine unless you have some criminal intent,” he said.

“There is no other type of reason to have this gun with no markings on it unless you’re going to be committing an offense.”

What complete horse manure. See my comments above. There are lots of completely valid, non-criminal reasons to own ghost guns, and one of those reasons is concern over government overreach from despots like Sheriff Dart.

David Codrea gives a response to Dart’s comments. Codrea writes,

No doubt and proudly guilty as charged here. Untraceable, homemade guns will be harder to confiscate than guns that have been transferred through Federal Firearms Licensees using the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), meaning if the Democrats succeed in expanding due process denying “red flag laws,” or changing the rules and declaring semi-automatics machineguns, they’ll be well on their way to their “monopoly of violence” end game.

That’s why Democrats are anxious to repeal the key provision of the so-called Firearm Owners Protection Act […].

Codrea is right. Anti-gunners want to ban guns because they want to be able to control people without fear. As long as there are guns that they don’t know about in the hands of freedom-loving people, that makes would-be tyrants afraid.

And the founding fathers of this country, after dealing with King George, most definitely wanted a government that was afraid of the people.



  1. The left wing anti-gun ppl are so uneducated about firearms and refuse to actually learn anything about them. One thing that really shows their ignorance is labeling an AR-15 as an assault rifle. They need to do their homework before arguing a lie. The other one that really cracks me up is their reference to “Semi-automatic machine guns.” That’s a new one for me. I consider a BAR, .50 cal, or .60 a machine gun. Of course there are smaller versions.

  2. Good column overall – not so sure that TPTB are supposed to be ‘afraid’ so much as to be politely reminded of what their duties and responsibilities to We the People truly are. Of course wannabe tyrants seem to always ‘forget’ that the Constitution puts limits on government………………

  3. Be sure to ask old Sheriff Dudley Do-Right above, that if the leftist Democrats, were ever able to get the guns taken away from the American people. Whether
    he really believe for one second that they would let him keep his? The man is obviously caught up in his thinking as a law officer, or isn’t intelligent enough to figure out what the 2nd Amend was put in the US Const. for. Of course he may have failed at US History in school, or just failed to read and study it, and is simply unaware of its purpose in our Constitution. There is also the possibility that the leftist Democrats has been teaching him ” WOKE ” and the ” ÇŔT ” ( Critical Race Theory ) , and he’s just forgot that the US had a history prior to the introduction of such policies. Even if by some unfathomable concept that the anti-gun lobbyist and the leftist Democrats somehow did
    Manage to pass laws, an seize a number of America’s guns, they can be sure that the Mexican cartels will be more than willing to sell us plenty more, as well as the rest of the world. The US government can’t even stop the Mexican cartels from Shipping tons of illegals drugs into the US with thousands of border patrol agents trying to stop them daily. Anyway, it’s a shame that a officer of the law, being elected, or appointed to such a important position of trust. Who is supposed to be protecting us, and our rights, isn’t even aware of what the real meaning of the 2nd Amend to the US Const. stands for. Maybe in the future, when someone runs for, or attempting to get elected, or appointed to public office. Maybe it would be wise to give them a test to made sure they are qualified or fit to fully carry out the duties of that office or position, prior to them taking on that job of position. In essence, get rid of the idiots that are currently running out country, and put officials in office who know what they’re doing. That’s working for the American people, and not for their own personal goals, which is the destruction of the United States. [ one should take the time to read what one of our fouundling fathers said about the United States and revolution. ]

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