Prepared Gun Owners

HUH? Obama Administration’s Final Gun Regulations Take Aim At Pot Heads

Obama’s ATF is making last minute changes to one of the most important forms a gun owner will ever complete: form 4473. That’s the form you fill out to buy a gun from a licensed dealer.

The changes really aren’t that draconian or ridiculous (as you would expect them to be), but they do get a little crazy when they target a most unexpected audience: marijuana smokers.

Is this some sort of revenge against weed tokers for voting Bernie, when Obama wanted them to vote Hillary?

But seriously, look at these regulations (from the

[quote_box_center]Another notable change to the form is the inclusion of a bolded warning to potential transferees from ATF.   The warning provides that “the use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medical or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.”  This warning is a continuation of ATF’s policy that was first published in an open letter on September 21, 2011.  Under ATF’s policy, not only are users of marijuana prohibited from possessing firearms, but a person may not transfer a firearm to an individual if the transferor knows that the transferee holds a medical marijuana card.  Importantly, this second prohibition applies even where the cardholder does not actually use any marijuana.[/quote_box_center]

So, even if you have a medical marijuana card, but don’t actually use marijuana anymore, you still can’t buy a gun. I thought the liberals were the ones telling us that all the laws against pot were racist? Now Obama is demanding that we threaten every gun dealer with bold print, telling them not to sell guns to people with marijuana prescriptions.

The anti-marijuana language is rather bizarre, there is no real political advantage to doing this. Maybe, Obama’s ATF is genuinely worried about guns in the hands of people who use medicinal pot.

Perhaps, Obama just doesn’t want anyone to “shotgun” their weed.

Whatever the reasons, you can read about the rest of the changes to form 4473 here.