Prepared Gun Owners

Why Haven’t You Heard About This Mass Shooting?

If there is one thing that the mainstream media loves, it’s their anti-gun narrative, and they have been very protective of that narrative.

Now, we all have a viewpoint, but honesty would dictate that we examine and consider facts that contradict our narrative. Unfortunately, the mainstream media doesn’t seem interested in the truth; they would rather have their narrative.

If you want proof of that, consider a recent mass shooting which occurred at a Rite Aid warehouse. Chances are that you haven’t heard about this mass shooting, unlike so many other mass shootings which have occurred, and you need to ask yourself why you haven’t heard of it.

The answer is because it doesn’t fit the mainstream media’s anti-gun narrative. Matt Agorist gives us five ways the Rite Aid shooting doesn’t fit the mainstream media’s narrative along with our commentary:

  1. “The shooter was a woman.” The shooter, Snochia Mosely, was an African-American transgender woman. The anti-gun media wants to paint mass shooters as gun fanatic angry white men, and Mosely simply doesn’t fit that profile.
  2. “The shooter reportedly used a handgun.” The media desperately wants everyone to believe that mass shootings are always carried out using “assault rifles” like AR-15s (They also want you to think that the “AR” in AR-15 stands for “Assault Rifle.” It’s just one more thing that they are wrong about). Mosely’s use of a handgun makes it clear that “assault weapons” (whatever that means) are not the problem. People intending violence are the problem.
  3. “Gun laws in Maryland are already some of the strictest in the nation.” Yes, this took place in Maryland. This mass shooting is just another example of gun control failure.
  4. “The shooter was diagnosed with a mental illness.” Mosely was taking psychotropic drugs. Can’t have that plastered across the airwaves. People might start to think that those drugs are the problem and not the guns.
  5. “Police did not stop the shooter, she stopped herself.” That’s right, police weren’t able to protect people because they weren’t onsite when it happened, and police aren’t the end-all-be-all solution to keeping people safe. They just can’t be in all places at all times.

It really is very clear if you just look at it: Gun control doesn’t work no matter how much the anti-gun mass media pushes it, and they’re attempts to bury this story just highlight their bias more-and-more.