With 1 Tweet, Congressman DESTROYS Kamala Harris’s Nonsense Arguments


There are, if I’m being generous, about as many members of Congress whose politics that I like as I can count on one hand. And that’s not using all of the fingers on that hand (yes, I’ve been called grumpy and disagreeable).

I’m okay with that because those people whose policies that I like I genuinely believe help all Americans with those policies. You know, policies like actually believing the Second Amendment is for all Americans and believing that the government should work for us instead of the reverse.

One of those rare people in Congress is Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie, a graduate (with two degrees) from MIT, and an unwavering supporter of the Second Amendment.


Because of this position, Massie gets under the skin of anti-2A zealots and unprincipled politicians, in general. For example, Nancy Pelosi called him a “nuisance” (I’m not kidding.). I would wear that accusation as a badge of honor coming from her.

And Massie doesn’t mind going after the hypocrites in the anti-2A movement. People like Kamala Harris. You can see him take down Harris in one tweeted reply below (hat tip to here for the lead).

Massie nailed it (and her) with that reply.

Gun control isn’t about keeping everyday Americans safe. It’s about making them vulnerable and dependent on the government (something that the founding fathers never wanted). Tom Knighton puts it this way when he writes:

One talking point used by gun control proponents is that these guns have no value outside of a battlefield. They’re only good for killing a lot of people very quickly and so they have no place on our streets, as Harris argued in her tweet.

Then why do agencies like the IRS, the Department of Education, and the EPA need weapons that are only good for killing a lot of people very quickly?

Knighton continues:

Yet we get asked for a good reason why we need [AR-15s].

Well, here’s the reason. Our government has armed pretty much every federal agency with weapons the head of our government claims is only good for massacring people. Since it’s pretty clear they’re not going to massacre themselves, that just leaves us.

Looking at it that way makes you feel pretty vulnerable and in danger, doesn’t it?

It should because it’s the truth.

So, thank you to Thomas Massie for having the guts and principled character almost no other members of Congress have.



  1. The 2nd Amendment is owned by the people. In fact, the entire Constitution is owned by the people. Unfortunately, the people we elect to protect the Constitution and the people haven’t figured that out, yet. That is why the people will invoke the 2nd Amendment as necessary to to preserve freedom.

  2. What does the 2nd Amendment do? Ask a dozen or more people and you’ll get a dozen or more answers, and most of them will be wrong. The 2nd does not grant a Right. That Right you are endowed with at your first breath. It’s yours and mine from birth, and the Right is given to us by divine Providence. No one can take the Right away unless we let them, and that is something no one should ever give up.
    The 2nd Amendment is written to prevent the Government from taking that Right away. It also protects the People’s Right to combat a Tyrannical Government. There’s some argument that the 2nd didn’t encompass the State’s ability to regulate. Even if we accept that argument, the Ratification of the 14th Amendment ended that debate, as States must follow the same limitations placed on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government. No exceptions, thus several States are illegally Infringing upon the 2nd Amendment at this moment.
    Why does the Left want to Disarm American Civilians? Because they know an Armed Populace will not meekly board the Cattle Cars for their final journey to the Camps. That, Is Their End Goal.

  3. Precisely the reason the Second Amendment IS the Second Amendment! The First Amendment guarantees our right to speak against the government, the Second guarantees our right to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government, the exact situation we’re in today! Did anyone ever notice how, no matter what weapon was used in the all too frequent mass shootings the regime wants all semi automatic weapons banned? I still believe the regime is using social media to trigger these mass casualty events to further their anti gun agenda! Subliminal suggestion was being experimented with back in the ’60s, (as an advertising gimmick, no less) when the government banned it being used in ads! But a dime will get you a dollar, the alphabet agencies never gave up on the idea, if only for future uses, which today is then’s future!

  4. They take our guns,they take our souls,they have no right to even question the second amendment it’s not the guns doing the killing, gun control doesn’t chang the minds of those pulling the trigger so why are they pushing so hard at disarming us. And it’s only the Dems, does anyone get it. Wakeyy wakeyy

  5. I knew a person who went to prison for a death inflicted with a choke hold. No weapon needed.

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