To Scare An Intruder, You Can Rack Your Shotgun Or You Can Do This


Racking your shotgun can be a very effective way to get people’s attention. People know what that sound means, and even criminals will sit up and take note. They know that a racked shotgun likely means that someone is getting ready to shoot, and they don’t want to be the one getting shot.

Frankly, Joe Biden should have advised his wife to do this instead of firing into the air and risking being arrested.

But there are other ways to scare off an intruder if you don’t have a shotgun. Like closing the bolt of your AR-15. Don’t believe it? Well, you’d have a difficult time convincing a man in Memphis otherwise. Dan Zimmerman writes,


“‘One time I know I scared them off is when I closed the bolt on my AR. It’s a very distinctive sound,’ the homeowner said. Now, he sits on his couch each night, waiting for an intruder who is bold enough to step inside. ‘The police told me, unless they actually get through that door, I cannot use deadly force.’”

Those are the words of a resident of the Raleigh section of Memphis, one of the highest crime rates cities in the nation. Burglars have repeatedly tried to break into the man’s home.

As he states in the video, he’s been staying up at night, parked on his couch, rifle in hand, wearing a plate carrier.

From WREG:

“The body armor weighs 25 pounds. While some may call it extreme, he says “it measures that I am willing to protect my family.”

Senator Chris Murphy [who tweeted that only mass shooters need an AR-15] has not been available to comment.

It’s completely mind boggling for someone to say that this man doesn’t need or deserve to have a firearm to protect his family when it’s obvious that law enforcement hasn’t been able to prevent people from breaking into his house (to be fair, law enforcement can’t be everywhere at one). This is one of the reasons that people need to continue to be allowed to own firearms, and this is why we need to continue to fight for gun rights.



  1. Racking a pump shotgun is exactly what I did one night when I had someone nosing around in my back yard at the windows of the house. Whoever it was took off so fast I was amazed when he heard that noise of my Mossberg 12 gauge racking a round into the chamber. It was one of a few instances where I was very happy that I had the shotgun and that I didn’t have to use it, all I had to do was make its presence known to the intruder.

  2. As a reminder:
    The SUPREME COURT JUDGE made this statement:
    “Even though the words “To Protect and Serve” are displaced on many Police cars, the Police do not have any responsibility to “protect” any individual. It is the responsibility of the individual to “protect” themselves.” (paraphrased)

  3. They’d never hear me racking a shotgun because that means I’ve put an extra step before I can pull the trigger.

    • Hear, hear. I agree fully. Not only does it add an extra step to the process, it also reduces your capacity by one shell, which if there is a group of individual’s trying to get in might be the difference between living to tell your story or being laid to rest. That’s why all gun manufactures add the + 1 to their round count in advertising.

      • if you’re stupid enough to leave a round in the chamber then you deserve to get shot. I just hope your kids, grand kids or wife isn’t the one shot because of Stupidity like that. you only have one in the chamber when you are ready to fire it. if you are to unsure of your aim and ability to hit the target you should just call 911 and keep the guns locked up in your gun safe and unloaded, YOU are a Danger to everyone that comes to your house.

        • You obviously have more faith in government than in yourself.
          You also obviously don’t live in a city like Memphis.

        • If there is not one in the chamber, you are in no way ready to defend yourself…the time needed to chamber a round is likely the difference between life and death.
          If your wife or children do not assume that a gun is loaded when they pick it up, the practice of teaching safety in your house has gone seriously wrong.

        • Of course we behave differently when small children are in the home. Mine are locked in a quick access safe, the exception being my EDC. When I’m dressed I’m armed. I do not keep my ready guns loaded, but inserting a ready magazine & racking the bolt takes seconds bought by my EDC. A preferred house gun is a 9mm carbine w/30 round mags. W/RDS it shoots 1/2 groups @ 25 yds. Much less muzzle blast than an AR or AK or even your 12ga shotgun.

        • Correct Mark- I AM a danger to everyone that comes to my house. Those who are supposed to be there have nothing to worry about. We didn’t raise kids who snuck in through windows or forced open a door, and our friends sure as hell don’t do that either!

      • I am of the opinion that 30 rounds ought to be enough, but at least one reload is wise to carry. Typically malfunctions are caused by magazines. It’s why mine are all Pmags. Every misfeed I’ve experienced was metal mags. With Pmags I’ve experienced -0- misfeeds. Even our military is using them by choice.

  4. well people like Chris Murphy need an invasion for once to scare them silly. Good for him. A good burglar is a dead one. I think you and I agree on that.:)

  5. I would rather use a semi auto shotgun and the first thing the “intruder” hears is the first round going off. Hopefully, it’s the last thing they hear.

  6. I’ve seen signs that state: “This door is locked for YOUR protection, Break in at your own risk.”
    As to “racking” a pump shotgun to scare off thieves, I keep one in the chamber to save time. Anyone thinking to break in has already ignored all the warnings he’ll ever get.

  7. I am retired law enforcement before Obama and the 60s and 70s supreme court ran the committed officers off and to fill the ranks cities started to hire Somali muslims that shoot unarmed women because she wasn’t dressed modestly (My opinion). I can tell you that if I had a partner who shot across me to kill a woman, he would not have survived the shift alive. That being said, in my house I am never farther from a loaded gun than six feet. If someone comes into my house uninvited they will go out on a gurney. Any time a politician starts on taking honest citizens guns makes my blood boil.

  8. First and foremost, assess the situation… You are awakened or alerted by a possible intruder. (breaking glass or cracking of wood) also assuming the home is secured (locked). When you grab your deterrent, that is the time to chamber a round and safety off. (NEVER leave or store a chambered weapon.) It should take a max of 3.5 sec to insert a mag and chamber a round, safety off. 1.5 sec to rack a shotgun, safety off. You are going into a possibly lethal situation. DO NOT turn on the lights, you know your home. Use a flashlight with a button switch. Turn it on in the intruder’s face. 5 simple words, used in a loud, commanding voice….. “FREEZE, ON THE GROUND. ‘NOW!!’ “. Give them (NO WARNING SHOTS), that will reduce your rounds. You have a weapon, THAT is their warning. If they bolt, ‘FIRE’! center mass. You don’t know if they are armed. Also, they know where you live and that you have a weapon/s in the home. Assume they will come back. If they get outside, drag them back in. A wounded intruder is now a possible victim in court. Dead men don’t lie.

  9. Sorry Mark Stanley but you’ve evidently never been invaded. Theoretical seconds to do things change drastically in moments of stress and/or panic.
    Much of your comment is illogical.
    Lights off but they ‘know’ you have a weapon? How?
    They know you have a flashlight, and that light source just gave them something to shoot at.
    If they bolt, fire center mass? Now you’ve shot them in the back, and a good lawyer will put YOU in jail, especially if they were not armed after all.
    I do agree with your last sentence. As I’ve been told all my life- make they are extra dead.
    As to loaded guns in the house, it’s a case by case issue. No kids in my home, glock always a round chambered, full mag, safety on, within reach. 12 gauge ditto at night.
    When some junkie jacked up on meth crashes into your home, flashlights and loud commands mean little. And that happens at least once a week within a 40 mile radius of where I live, often much closer.

    • As a footnote, since someone is sure to comment, my glock has the manual safety kit added since I used it to teach my niece to shoot, and wanted her to develop the ‘safety on’ habit. I don’t see it as a bad thing at all.
      The other thing I wanted to mention is that as kids, we grew up with loaded guns in the house. You did not touch a gun because it would kill you or someone else. You did not talk about the guns with anyone except mom or dad. Maybe it was a different time, but we obeyed those rules and all grew up to be responsible gun owners.

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