Watch: New Rittenhouse Shooting Video Reveals What REALLY Happened


Remember those “mostly peaceful” riots… I mean… protests last year? You know, like the one in Kenosha, Wisconsin in which a young guy acted in what looked to be a pretty obvious case of self-defense when he shot three people, killing two of them?

In case it wasn’t clear, we’re talking about the whole mess around Kyle Rittenhouse who has been under the gun from an anti-gun prosecutor who wants to make Rittenhouse a symbol both to punish legal gun owners and to brown nose to get the approval of “social justice warriors” like Antifa and BLM.

At the time of this writing, the Rittenhouse trial is still going on, but video footage that is clearly relevant to the case is only now coming to light.


Fortunately, for Rittenhouse, it has come to light, and if there is any justice in this world, it may be enough to completely crush the prosecutions case (hat tip to here for the lead). You can see the video below.

Now, I’m not a police officer nor am I a trained investigative journalist, but this looks pretty clearly like someone was chasing Rittenhouse down and Rittenhouse only shot at the last minute because what else was he going to do to keep from getting assulted and, maybe, killed?

Yet, anti-gun politicians and the anti-gun mainstream media keep wanting to paint Rittenhouse as some kind of horrific, violent vigilante, and the people who blindly follow what those media outlets say just go along with it without any questions as to why that nice, clean cut kid would do such a horrible thing.

If there is anything that needs to come out of this trial (other than Rittenhouse being completely cleared of all assault and murder charges), it’s that the American people whould clearly realize that they’ve been lied to both by their anti-gun politicians and by the mainstream media.

It’s utterly ridiculous that this case even went to trial in the first place.



  1. The punks causing all the trouble are guilty, its just that the woke demo-nazos and the major media outlets do nothing but lie
    They are proof that in the run up to the end of days, good will be called bad and evil will be honored by some over good
    Take a look at the world today, especially in the U.S.
    You will see how the media and most politicians are controlled by Satan, True Christians have to get together and battle against the evil
    There is lots of good in the world and U.S.
    You just need to remember Satan will do everything to try to stop the final ending that says he loses and God and Christ wins, period

  2. RITTENHOUSE running away, but in the video it show five to ten people running up behind him. Then we see one trip him to the ground, another coming at him to kick him in the head! ( No shot fire yet!) RITTENHOUSE on the ground trying to get up. But dude who kicked him in the head try to take his weapon! Now shot fire! Fool dead! Here come the skateboard fool! Everybody know a skateboard can do serious damage if wheels it you in the head! Assault twice! SELF DEFENSE AGAIN! Then the fool who point his handguns at RITTENHOUSE saw him turn toward him as well. Pointing a gun will get you shot! In a way you are attempting to murder the person you point the gun at! SELF DEFENSE AGAIN! Dude even TOLD HIS FRIEND LEAVING THE HOSPITAL HE SHOULD HAD KILLED RITTENHOUSE! So NO CASE! BUT CHARGE SHOULD BE BROUGHT AGAINST THE DUDE WHO LOST PART OF HIS BISCEP!

  3. It was clearly a case of self defense and finally we the law abiding citizens that own guns got a win for the second amendment rights to keep and bare arms to make us safe against the left and tyranny!

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