Kamala Harris Makes DISHONEST Call After Maine Shooting [Video]


There is a stereotype that lawyers are liars. Now, I’m not a fan of stereotypes, in general, but if you’re looking for the poster child for a lawyer that lies, then, it seems pretty likely that you’ll come up with a number of politicians. And many people would point, specifically, at current Vice President Kamala Harris as a perfect example.

I’ll let you decide whether you think that she is a liar, but one thing is certainly clear, in calls that she made for gun confiscation in America after the horrible shootings in Maine recently, she wasn’t being the least bit honest about those being effective to reduce gun crime. You can watch the video below (hat tip to here for the lead).

Now, she’s right that the shootings in Maine were horrible, that they shouldn’t have happened. We all agree on that, regardless of our different views on the Second Amendment.


Where she is being dishonest, though, is that she is proposing to confiscate guns like Australia did and gives the idea that Australia’s gun confiscation and gun control reduced gun violence in that country.

But it didn’t. In fact, it showed no affect on the trend in crime in Australia. If you need more information before you believe me, then, just read here, here, and here (okay, that last link has a video, too).

So, Australia’s efforts to push gun control haven’t had any impact on reducing crime which means that, yes, Harris was being blatantly dishonest.

What she doesn’t tell you is the real effects of gun control in Australia. Edward Teach gives us those details:

Aussies get dragged into court for “misgendering,” their autistic girls get suspended for not wanting boys to use their restroom, and they have their church services interrupted by the Gestapo checking face masks. The government investigates cops who think there’s only male and female, the government censors free speech, the government arrests pregnant women for Facebook posts, the government has access to your social media, and the government fines anyone they don’t arrest for anything they deem noncompliance.

Oh, and you’ll notice that Australia only has a population of 26 million people, mostly homogenous, spread out across an entire continent. If you look at mass murder sprees, the gun ban did absolutely nothing to change them because people can use anything as a weapon. Like most western countries between 2000 and 2020, the murder rate went down, but they traded in their guns for safety and now have total tyranny. Fun!

Now, whatever your opinion on any of the issues that Teach mentions, I’d like to think that we can all agree that governments enforcing group thinking by making illegal any different thoughts than they approve of is a dangerous precedent. And it goes completely against the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.

In other words, we can’t allow Harris to have her way with implementing gun control because every American suffers if she gets that wish.



  1. Again, guns are an inanimate object. They can not harm anything without a human picking them up and pulling the trigger after they have loaded them. Iv yet to see a gun load itself and pull its own trigger.

  2. Ok, so if criminals get into their Pickup trucks and start running people down, are the Pickup trucks going to be banned?

  3. I live is Washington State. Same gun restrictions. Thank God that all but a hand full of Sheriff’s enforce the socialist platforms here. Oregon is worse. We still have our guns. If they want them they will have to come get them, or find them. Let’s hope “s*it” rolls up hill or moves north with the ocean currents and straightens out Washington and Oregon. Thanks for the updates. We appreciate you Caleb! Really!

  4. I left my home state of N.Y. because of the Socialist gun laws! Now in Arizona big difference 100% 2nd Amendment for now unfortunately we have a Proven Commie gun grabber for Governor!! The only thing stopping her is the Republican legislature! If they lose next year’s election Comrade madam Governor hobbit and her fellow Commiecrats will launch a full assault on the 2nd Amendment in Arizona!! It’s up to the Arizona Republican party to grow a pair and bring up this during next year’s Campaign. I have told Republican politicians this at the Cochise County Republican headquarters

  5. “God created men, Col. Colt made them equal,”
    Its true, when everyone has a gun, but those bent on murder will find a way be it knife, auto, or bomb the results are the same …
    Fight the government with the Constitution which is a big Government CAN NOT OR HAS TO DO … Read it the Constitution itself says what each branch is suppose to do nothing more and nothing less, the amendments are what they CAN NOT do except for the 18th. and the 21st. ( to correct the 18th. ) Amendments … Also the 10th. Amendment says the STATES CAN NOT DO THESE THINGS ALSO …

  6. The Communist vice president also wants to educate you on isolamic phobia???? What about Christian Phobia???? What about jewish phobia???

  7. All part of CIA’a plan to have people disarm themselves by inculcating mentally ill patients to shoot up schools n public areas using drugs & hypnosis …called ORION…Bill Coopers BEHOLD A PALE HORSE 1991…feds murdered him over back taxes…… Chaptor 12, THE SECRET GOV’T, page 225

  8. what it really boils down to is that the communist government cant easily take over if we have guns. They don’t want to be stopped with a civil war so the plan is to take away the guns saying it will prevent crime.
    In comes the gestapo who enforces laws against the constitution and puts you in jail if you wont comply. (and I understand that FIMA moved alot of equipment to areas to make camps. Would that be like concentration camps?)
    We all know that guns don’t commit crimes, we also know that without that protection we are in deep sheet. It certainly appears that it is our rogue government that is setting us up. Don’t let them erase the second amendment!

  9. Just to counterattack what our illustrious V.P. said about Australia. My friends I have down under have told me that whatever we do, DON’T EVER GIVE UP OUR GUNS. After what happened to them during the Covid19 fiasco where they were locked down in their homes and tent cities and weren’t allowed outside.
    The 2nd Amendment is our right to keep and bear arms. The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows: “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)

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