DISTURBING: These Are The People Who Want To Disarm You


Famous left-wing social agitator Saul Alinksy said that leftists should always accuse their political opponents of doing what the leftists were actually doing (that way, when caught, leftists would, then, say, “But conservatives have already been doing the same thing all this time.”)

It’s a brilliant misdirect that works on people who aren’t actually paying attention to what is going on. The uninformed simply think to themselves that, yeah, the non-leftists were already the bad guys, so, why is it a big deal if leftists are doing it, too?

Like I said, it’s brilliant. But evil.


Occasionally, though, leftists show their true colors for everyone to see. While leftists have been saying for years that conservatives (which legal gun owners overwhelmingly fall into in the political spectrum) are the ones who are violent (without evidence for that accusation), it’s the leftists who are much more often the violent ones. And a recent threat against Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy shows a clear-cut example of leftist derangement. Cortney Weil writes,

A New Hampshire man has been arrested by the FBI after he allegedly threatened to kill Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, as well as everyone attending one of his campaign events.

On December 8, Ramaswamy’s campaign issued a mass text message to announce that the candidate would be hosting an event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, three days later. At least one recipient was not thrilled with the news.

According to a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Hampshire, Tyler Anderson, 30, fired off a violent response to the text. “Great, another opportunity for me to blow his brains out!” Anderson allegedly wrote to the campaign in reply.

“I’m going to kill everyone who attends and then f*** their corpses,” he added, according to the press release.

I guess this guy’s threats were too over the top for even Biden’s FBI to ignore. (To be fair, there are still good FBI agents, but there are definitely some who are politicizing the agency to push left-wing political agendas such as gun control.)

The point that I want you to take away from this story, though, is that we see it over and over again when we get into the details of violent attackers’ motives. They are overwhelmingly those on the political left who are making violent threats, and, I would argue, it’s no coincidence that the same political leftists which advocate for political violence (sorry, I mean “mostly peaceful protests,” obviously) are the same people pushing to disarm you so that you can’t shoot back when they come to kill you for disagreeing with them.

Don’t let them fool you with their propaganda. Anti-2A zealots and their political partners are the ones who initiate violence, not legal gun owners like you and me.



  1. What was said in the article was so true. So many so-called U.S. citizens simply pay no attention to what’s going on. They really should pay a little attention to their history. I recall reading that during WW2, Germany wanted to invade the U.S. but didn’t because it was too heavily armed. Also, Admiral Isaroku Yamamoto, who commanded the force Japan planned to use to invade the West Coast, said, “Firearms are as thick as the blades of grass. Casualties would be unacceptable.” Those were the words of a man who’d spent time in the U.S. and commanded troops who felt it an honor to die for their emperor. Can anyone imagine the chaos that might take place if we were attacked, even by a bunch of terrorists if every hunter, target shooter, skeet shooter or gun collector opened fire on them when they attacked? The Second Amendment was written to protect the First Amendment. It was also written to give us the right to protect ourselves against a totalitarian government. One like we now face! Like so many others of my generation, I sacrificed my teenage years to help defend our freedom. Every generation since should have and should now do the same. Except for just a very small number, the people of this country that’s given them everything, they just don’t seem to give a damn. Study your history you young idiots! Some of it’s good and some of it’s bad. It should ALL be studied and remembered.

  2. On Tuesday, Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore announced that the Board of Police Commissioners had unanimously approved the outline of a policy that would allow DACA recipients the capacity to carry a firearm off-duty. This decision has been largely prohibited by law because DACA recipients are not United States citizens. However, Moore believes that this policy will be a model for other police departments across the country. – https://civildeadline.com/r
    Meanwhile the war on American citizen firearm ownership continues apace.

  3. Leftists say they’re only doing what rightists or conservatives have been doing all along, namely violence. So, violence by leftists is ok.

    I’m glad to see you make the mention of initiatory violence. That implies the existence of responsive violence against initiatory violence (retaliatory and defensive), and the distinction between the two. Both are always evaded. They should be made EXPLICIT and not left to implication, where people tend to not learn it or not think about it even if they know, and where many can keep evading. Mentioning initiatory violence, thus setting up the implication of existence of response and its distinction from initiation is a good start, but we must follow up with explication, and leave nobody room to budge.

  4. It seems as though this government we have is only going after the law abiding citizens of our country. It’s not doing anything to help with the problem of people who don’t obey the law, and pass tougher laws on the people who knowingly violate our laws. What they are doing is unconstitutional to the people who do not violate our laws they are only passing laws to punish the honest and law abiding citizens. What this current government is doing is unconstitutional and against our rights. How can they continue to do this to our Constitution. This is not a democracy but, turning into a
    Socialist country.

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