Celebrity’s Parties Make Gun Owners SMILE


People are interesting. Take the subject of get-togethers. Some people prefer small, intimate gatherings where you can have a deep meaningful conversations. Others want something more loud and boisterous. They want a full-on party.

But even then, there are different kinds of parties. Some parties are family birthday gatherings, and other parties have loud music and dancing like a dance club at their house.

Still others, though, like to take things to another level. And one celebrity decided to have a most unusual type of party to celebrate leaving an anti-2A dictatorship state. Andrew Chapados writes,


Stuntman and “Jackass” star Steve-O revealed that he is leaving the Hollywood hills after more than a decade and opting for more land and fewer taxes in Tennessee.

The former TV star turned stand-up comedian picked up and moved his entire life to a ranch in the South, shipping his family, animals, and even a skate ramp onto his new sprawling property.

Capados continues:

“We’re not just having skate parties, we’re having full-blown gun parties!” Steve-O announced. After he and his fiancée shot a variety of guns, Glover was visited by a local police officer to welcome him to the neighborhood.

“I never want to leave,” Steve-O remarked, stating that anytime he takes a trip, he makes sure to promptly complete all business so he can return to the ranch as quickly as possible.

Sounds like a guy who is beyond happy to be away from a gun control hell (California, that is). And what sane, rational person wouldn’t rather live away from that nonsense?

After all, how would you feel when you finally moved away from a place that wouldn’t let you freely exercise your Second Amendment rights to a place that not only allows that but has law enforcement genuinely welcoming you to the neighborhood?

That’s the way that it should be everywhere.



  1. Re: Tennessee
    This is a good reason for those of us stuck in “gun-control hell” to escape! It was not my only reason to leave a liberal paradise, but it figured very strongly in my desire to move, and I was successful!

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