Oddball Story Makes THE POINT About Gun Control


People do the strangest things sometimes. For example, some people like to eat weird food combinations (sorry, ketchup on eggs still sounds strange to me), or they think that reducing police forces and letting violent criminals out of jail will reduce crime. Or they think that you can pay for food with drugs. Yes, really.

And this actually happened in Denver, Colorado (go ahead and make your jokes blaming this situation on the legalized marijuana in that state).

Now, that last situation would be laughable and weird (and it is both, I’ll admit), but the story took a scary turn which is why we’re talking about it today. From The Associated Press:


A man who was convicted of pointing a gun at Burger King drive-thru worker who wouldn’t accept drugs for payment and later shooting at other people elsewhere the same night has been sentenced to 143 years in prison.

Prosecutors who announced the sentence Thursday said the drive-thru incident was the beginning of a series of crimes Eugene Robertson carried out in the Denver suburb of Aurora on Oct. 17, 2022. No one was wounded.

In April, a jury found Robertson guilty of 17 crimes, including eight counts of attempted murder. The sentences for many of the crimes were stacked on top of each other, leading to a long sentence. Robertson, 40, had faced a maximum sentence of more than 400 years when he was sentenced Aug. 9.

That’s a terrifying situation that Robertson put people through, and it sounds like he may have been high on the drugs that he attempted to pay for his Burger King order with.

Here’s the reason that we’re talking about this today, though: Robertson had a gun. He had drugs and a gun. Obviously, gun control laws didn’t prevent this person from being able to get his hands on a firearm and shoot at people, endangering many lives.

And that’s the point: Gun control laws didn’t work to prevent him, a person who was clearly dangerous, from getting a firearm, and that’s because gun control laws don’t work and don’t keep people safe.

Trained and armed citizens are what keep people safe. So, you should consistently train, and always carry your gun.



  1. But but but he ‘obviously’ got his gat via lawful channels and passed the background check etc. Does Denver have a waiting period? Or else he simply ordered it (and paid for it with MORE drugs) online and had it delivered to his residence, or else he exploited the ‘gun show loophole’ or maybe had his girl friend buy it for him.
    Who am I kidding (the sheeple who know nothing about guns or how to legally obtain them) – he either stole it or traded it for even more drugs. Yes there really people out there that ‘feel’ he could have legally gotten it…………………………

  2. He could have claimed being under the influence and not liable for his actions. This has gotten other people off or with lower penalties. Like the mental health defense. Not that I’d want that.

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