See The Statistic That Will TERRIFY Anti-2A People


Statistics can be a scary thing, and I’ll be the first to tell you that statistics can be abused and misrepresented to appear to say something that they don’t actually say, once you look at them in context.

But if you see a statistic in its proper context, so, you get an actual understanding of the situation, well, that’s a whole different ball game. Those statistics are hard to argue against.

And we have a statistic for you today that will, frankly, terrify anti-2A people in America (hat tip to here for the lead). Paul Bedard writes,


The most popular firearm in America continues to roll out of gun stores in record numbers.

According to new data released on the day a House committee is considering a ban on the gun, the number of AR-15 and AK-47-style “modern sporting rifles” has surged to 24.4 million.

The industry trade group National Shooting Sports Foundation said that is more than all the Ford F-150s on the road. The pickup is America’s most popular.

The group said that there have been 4.5 million sold since 2020, when President Joe Biden won in part with a promise to ban the guns, which he and liberals call “assault weapons” because they look — but don’t operate — like military rifles.

That’s right, there are more AR-15s and AK-47s out on the street of America than there are of America’s most popular pickup truck.

Now, if you were the typical anti-2A person who thinks that guns just magically act on their own and commit murders and other crimes by themselves, wouldn’t you think that statistic was absolutely terrifying? Yes, you absolutely would.

Should we show pity for those poor souls who are in a near catatonic state when they learn those numbers? I’ll leave that to you.

What we cannot do, though, is to allow those ignorant people to drive the narrative around firearms and these firearms specifically. Because if they get what they want, everyone loses, them included, because this would be a much more dangerous country to live in.



  1. “Shall NOT be infringed “ leaves no room for arguments. The 2nd Amendment is the cornerstone of the Bill Rights and if ‘infringed’ the Constitution is not worth the paper it’s printed on. The actual ‘power’ is then taken from the people & transferred to the government. The people then have NO rights.

    • Think about this Jeff. A Civil War is exactly what the anti-gunners want. They can then legally remove our firearms from us through Martial Law. They can then rule by tyranny just like they want. WE LOSE! Does that change your mind, Jeff?

  2. A statistic which (unfortunately) probably doesn’t exist might be the most valuable in assessing the effectiveness of the Progressive firearm possession laws: How much have firearm possession laws reduced illegal ownership of firearms by the criminal class? I don’t include “use” in this because, if the law abiding are disarmed, the criminals can achieve their goals without use of guns.

    • Firearms laws have no effect on illegal firearms because criminals DON’T OBEY LAWS …

  3. Stuart Ensign just said it best! Adolf Hitler told his Hermsns that if they turned in their guns, their neighborhoods would be safer & less violent! After rounded up the guns, the Nazi’s rounded up the Jewish, grabbed up their worldly possessions, sent the Jews to slave labor camps & the Holocaust ensued, killing millions of Jews, history forgotten is history repeated!!! Need I say more?

  4. Okay…now yuh got me!!! All those damn guns laying there just waiting for someone to come by so they (guns_) can shoot someone. I can’t even go out of the house at night now for fear of something happening

  5. I find it very revealing when the FBI crime statistics show less than 05% (that’s five percent) of homicides are done by all rifles combined, not even just the “evil black rifles.” Of course, since this does not fit the long running narrative and agenda of the anti-gun crowd, therefore their propaganda arm, the Lame Stream Media, they will never even acknowledge the fact exists.

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