EVERYTHING Wrong With 1 State’s New Firearms Law – And Why YOU Should Care


Anti–gunners are going to anti–gun, it seems. That’s no surprise. However, a recent bill signed into law in one state should concern you because of how the politics have been going in that state – and how that can affect you.

Colorado Governor Jared Polis recently signed into law SB 279 which, among other stupid things, puts into law that it’s illegal to have unregistered firearms (firearms without a serial number on their frame or receiver). Yes, even if you made the firearm yourself (which has always been legal).

And think about this, who can put a serial number on a frame or receiver? Only those licensed by the government to manufacture firearms.


That’s right, this bill targets “ghost guns.”

Of course, anti–2A people use the old line about how it will help them reduce crime, so, let’s go ahead and address that elephant in the room. A person going by Mike270 asked on a forum, “How does having a serial number on a firearm prevent crime?” Someone going by Dave17 replied,

Obviously, it does not. The theory is that it can be traced back to the owner to solve the crime. However, as felons do not obtain their firearms legally, the trace only comes back to who originally bought it at the FFL that purchased the firearm from the firearm manufacturer. No crime that I am aware of was ever solved by tracing. What it does do is get the police to scrutinize the original purchaser.

Dave17 continues:

[Tracing the firearm] still does not solve the crime. According to the ATF, the time to crime for firearms is about 12 or 15 years (I had posted the link on another thread, and the time to crime varies a bit from state to state). Based on the ATF tracing data, most firearms are sourced from within the state in which they are recovered. One other issue with tracing is that even the ATF – after finding who originally owned the firearm – does not return the firearm to the rightful owner. So the only purpose of tracing is that the purchaser becomes a potential criminal in their eyes, ala straw purchaser or whatever else they decide to try to get you on.

And Dave17 is absolutely right about that.

So, Colorado’s SB 279 uses a justification to enact legislation that does not solve the justification.

Typical anti–2A “logic.”

Or propaganda, if we’re being honest.

The arguments against this bill, as laid out in an email from The Colorado Freedom Force are sound: the Second Amendment protects individual gun rights, gun control is a slippery slope issue (meaning that people who push gun control start small but never stop and just push for more and more and more), gun control regulations are ineffective (if they aren’t working now, why would new ones be better?), and criminals don’t obey gun laws (duh).

But you may say, “I don’t live in Colorado, so, yeah, it’s horrible legislation in that state, but why should I care since I don’t live there?”

Here’s why: The strategy that Democrats (who are becoming more and more hostile to the Second Amendment) used to flip that state from Republican to Democrat is what they are planning on using to flip the rest of the country blue.

That means that they’re coming for your guns even in currently red states, if they can.

So, what should you do? You should actively work to keep anti–2A candidates from getting elected, and you should probably get a legal ghost gun for yourself, now. Because anti–2A zealots aren’t rational, and they will keep trying to use government to take all of your guns.



  1. This would outlaw name brand firearms manufactured before serial numbers were required in 1968.

  2. There is something wrong with every states and the federal anti-gun laws it’s the 2nd. & 10 th. Amendments to the US Constitution :
    Amendment X
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
    1st. Amendment Congress shall make no law and the 2 nd. Amendment shall not be infringed both sound extremally prohibitive to me …………..

  3. Well, IF THEY DON”T CATCH YOU WITH IT…not a problem…unless it is used in a crime and the criminal doesn’t wipe it down as well and ALL any bullets in the Pistol/Revolver.

  4. There’s also the question of whether in fact Colorado is a blue as it would seem – IF you could trust the elections… Further food for thought.

  5. My best answer is Greek. Molon labe meaning when I am dead you can have my weapons.


  6. Time to either comply with Tyranny or use the Constitution as it was meant to be used. The choice is Yours.

  7. NAGR/RMGO have already filed Lawsuits in the Colorado Court System, which most likely will uphold the Bills, as the are Liberal Judge heavy, so it will be necessary to run it to the Federal Court System.
    We did manage to defeat the AWB in committee with Grassroots Activism. RMGO’s Taylor Rhodes did a Hell of a job coordinating live and video testimony to the committee.
    The Ghost Gun Ban is going to be a problem for the State, as like New Jersey’s, there’s No Grandfather Provisions for Weapons made prior to the 1968 GCA, and it could easily be interpreted to go after Black Powder Firearms as well.
    I own three Pre WW2 Firearms from High Standard (1936), Remington (1922) and Savage (1925). All three have Serial Numbers. I say this, because if memory serves, some of the cheap guns by Röhm and others, the original Saturday Night Specials, were Forbidden import after the GCA, and quite a few had Model numbers, but no serial.number
    I believe most Major US Makers were serializing long before the GCA, as it was a requirement for Military and LE contract sales (which was where the big money really was for the manufacturers).
    I was 9, but I remember my Dad and Grandfather being really pissed about the GCA.

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