CRAZY IDEA: See A Pistol Used As A ‘Tack Driver?’ (Not How You Think)

Screenshot from YouTube video.

Accuracy is a beautiful thing in a firearm, especially when that firearm is a pistol that you’re considering carrying. With that idea in mind, there is an idea out there of a pistol being so accurate that it can hit incredibly small shots at a distance, smaller than most people at the range think of.

Like hitting a tack (as in a wall tack) at 20 feet. Yes, a ’20 foot tack driver.”

Now, of course, you hope that any firearm that you have can do that. And maybe they all can, but maybe not all of them have that accuracy.


At least one pistol tested can be used as a 20 foot tack driver, though, and that pistol is a Steyr M9A2 MF. V. Caldwell gives us some details about this pistol:

Among the overlooked gems in the 9mm world is Steyr’s 9mm pistol. The M9 A2 is a modern pistol with good features. The obligatory lightweight polymer frame is there. The trigger action is very nice  straight back with a clean break. The design of the pistol allows a lower bore axis (lower bore centerline above the firing hand) than most handguns. The slide isn’t really wider than most Glock like pistols but the flat top gives that appearance.

The pistol is supplied with rear strap inserts and also changeable side panels allowing a wide range of hand fit options. The balance of abrasion and adhesion in the grip is excellent, not raspy but allowing a firm grip when firing or engaged in tactical movement. The Steyr’s blade type trigger lever is automatically disengaged as you press the trigger to the rear. The action breaks at 5.4 pounds. Slide finish is good. The polymer frame features a molded in light rail.

Caldwell continued to speak highly of the M9A2 MF for other features, too.

Someone else had positive things to say about this Steyr pistol, too: H.R. Funk. And you can see him use this pistol as a “20 foot track driver” in the video below, queued up to that shot.

That’s a shot that I think that we all could be proud of.

Of course, there’s no doubt that Funk’s skill with a firearm was vitally important to that shot being accurate. But if the pistol wasn’t highly accurate, too, the shot would have still missed.

So, if you’re looking for a pistol that looks a little different than your everyday models available in most stores, and you especially want a firearm that is gaining a reputation for reliability and accuracy, the Steyr M9A2 MF may be one to consider. I wouldn’t recommend using it for driving tacks to hang pictures, though.
