Joe Biden. The guy hasn’t met a piece of gun control legislation (or executive order) that he hasn’t wanted to implement.
It’s terrible, and the American people will be better off without him (or whoever is running things in the White House while he is the official “puppet”) in the White House.
Still, like all those who desperately want to be tyrants, who want to live luxuriously without a care in the world at the expense of the people that they are supposedly working for (their constituency), Biden has been working hard to leave some ugly “presents” when he leaves office for the incoming Trump administration and for the American people who overwhelmingly decided that they didn’t want four more years of Biden or Harris in the White House.
And the one that we’re talking about today is Biden’s attempt to go after legal gun owners even after he’s gone. Michael Clements writes,
The final volume of a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) study on firearms trafficking, released on Jan. 8, calls for expansion of the background check and gun tracing programs as well as investigations along the U.S. southern border.
Volume IV of the National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment (NFCTA) is the final volume in a study ordered by Attorney General Merrick Garland in 2021.
“This final volume … concludes the most comprehensive look at America’s crime gun data in over two decades and confirms that ATF’s [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives] advanced intelligence tools are vital to helping law enforcement nationwide solve gun crimes and take shooters off the streets,” Garland said in a statement announcing the report.
Now, it doesn’t surprise me in the least that Garland is who is pushing this for the Biden administration. After all, he hasn’t found a left-leaning political cause that he hasn’t been willing to use lawfare to push. (I can’t tell you how happy I am that he was denied being put on the Supreme Court.)
Of course Garland (and Biden) want the Federal government to put a tighter stranglehold on private gun ownership. All leftists do.
But the ATF and the DOJ being involved in private gun ownership has been nothing more than an excuse to try to circumvent the Second Amendment. They’re both wrong for even trying.
Thankfully, we still have a Second Amendment and a First Amendment that allows us to tell Garland and Biden that they can keep their awful recommendations. We’re not interested.
IT is not an intelligence tool to look in the records of a gun shop, to make a registry of the names of citizens that have bought firearms. The “TOOL” is the agent, that is breaking the law (Gestapo).
joe is the biggest pos ever tho step foot in DC! Carter use to be known as the worst potus in history, but joe has him beat by a mile! The Crat’s with all their corruption and sick ideas about what education means, to say nothing about the 1–20 Million ILLEGAL ALIENS he and her let in….They are despicable to the core!
The fool garland needs his ass handed to him on a plate and it’s about to happen, you hide and watch.
everyone that violated their oath to We the People, needs to be arrested for fraud. Their word is no good. Their morals are non existent. A mark of a socialist/communist. LIE & STEAL, blame others
Four more days of the biggest asshole the world had to deal and listen too. Biden Harris and democrats administration were the worse American leaders the world has ever witnessed. Biden destroyed America and the American people. He’s to stupid to realize how brainwashed he really is. The American people will remember him in history as the most corrupt failure lying destroyer of America ever in history.
Even diapers can’t hold all the sh-t Biden did during his unsuccessful useless tenure and career as president.
Democrats will never win again until everyone is replaced everyone knows how much corruption is inside their party. These old dogs overflowed the cesspool with so much corruption they’re scared to death the next administration is going to explode and expose whoever they are. Hope they have good attorneys because there going to need them. People are going to prison this time for a long time. Watch there going to be a shortage on depends aka diapers. All corruption is going to be dealt with Real soon.
One thing to remember, I thought after Carter (pos#2 now) I thought the Democrats would never hold power again…but look what followed..Clinton. Even after 911..whoda thought we would elect a Muslim? We must be vigilant, keep our Congress and senators on their toes, as well as our school boards, etc. be preemptively on their the legal issues.
Ty & William, our worse POTUS is still Abraham Lincoln. Destroyed the republic, killed 660 000 citizens, enslaved the survivors to the Den of Corruption that we so enjoy today. LBJ is next, Insurrection of Nov. 22 1963, POTUS murdered by the MIC, deep STATE gov’t. lied about an attack, to send 58 000 young men to die in Viet Nam, used OUR taxes to enrich himself, NASA/Stennis complex in South Mississippi, pushing helicopters off the decks of aircraft carriers (his wife owned 49% of Bell Helicopter Co.) (he also had his sister murdered) (real sweet guy….. NOT) Who is third place?
Human biological imperative to live, instilled in us by our evolutionary chemistry, at the cold hand of mother nature, demands the suppression of those, biological bastards,on the ends of the bell curve of intelligent evolution, who would take our power to exist from us. Bare your claws those who are chosen. Stand down “modern” snivelling simpletons.
The Corruptocrats are starting to self implode….Thais will continue until the Party is broken and gone forever!
The crap with Trans genders in grade school is so disgusting I can hardly believe it occurred in America …..Grade schoolers should never even hear the word SEX as far as they are concerned….That and the fact they let in 10-20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS should never be forgotten…..Because murders have been committed by these Illegal Aliens, joey and harris should both take their last breaths in a Jail Cell along with Newscum and nancy!!!
WE only have 4 years. WE must get busy, being the front line for Donald J Trump. lock & load