Never Carry These 5 Guns!


Just because a gun can be carried, that doesn’t mean it should be carried.

What you want in a daily carry gun is a firearm that’s comfortable, nimble, accurate, and easy to fire. Unfortunately, there are several handguns that leave a lot to be desired in those areas.

But despite that fact, many people continue to carry them.


In the video below, you’ll learn about the five “worst carry guns” and why you should leave them at home or at the range.

What do you think? Is he justified in his evaluation of these five guns?

Maybe you’ve got a few other handguns you’d like to add to the list of the world’s worst carry guns.

Tell us your thoughts in the comments.



  1. Your had me right up to the pmr30, and then you lost me. I thought that you probably knew what you were talking about until you got too number 5. My friends pmr30 has shot around 2000 rnds with less than 10 malfunctions. My own is new and I have only shot about 500 rnds. through it with only 1 failure to feed. Most of the time if there is a problem it is with the magazine not the gun. They are finicky about the way that the Mags. are loaded. And don’t expect 100% reliability until they are broken in. In other words don’t start counting until about 5 or 6oo rnds. I don’t think I would recommend carrying it but 30 rnds even as anemic as 22magnum is still nothing to sneeze at. Besides it is a blast too shoot!

  2. I agree, totally! I have carried many firearms, including the reliable Titan .25 automatic. I have found that carrying multiple small firearms(3) in cities where firearm carry was prohibited was the best choice, with a back-up switchblade for shock effect! These could not be detected, even when purposely “bumped” by a Chicago cop! My favorite carry firearm has always been the Browning Hi-Power, with which I saved my own life with in Las Vegas.

  3. I front pocket a Kel Tec 380 and i admit it jammed a lot when i got it. I sent it in and since then it has never jammed again. I trust it more than my sig 238 which jams every 15 or so rounds.

    • I own both (Sig P238 and KelTec P3AT). The Sig has never malfunctioned. What are you using for ammo?

    • My P3AT is reliable as hell! The only failure to fires I ever had was when I limp-wristed it. Hold it right, line up the sights, and hit what you aim at.

  4. And that is one reason I like to collect old, military surplus hardware. Yes, I have a .32 acp with a 4″ barrel and every millimeter is steel. Heavier than the average, modern pocket pistol? Absolutely. And solid, reliable, and zero recoil. I can get back on target much quicker. I don’t currently own a polymer pistol. Did once. Sold it to a friend for a small, light carry piece. (That’s illegal now.) I’ll be honest. My current CCW is an all metal (aluminum frame, steel barrel and slide) Beretta 71 in .22lr. Since picking it up this spring I’ve only run a few hundred rounds through it. Zero failure to feed. It digests everything, even with the cheap, aftermarket magazines. Reliable to a fault, like my milsurp Beretta 92. Difference between them is that I’m more accurate with the .22 and it goes with me everywhere. The 92 is a bit big and heavy. And the 9mm has more snap so it takes me longer to get back on target. Not as bad as a plastic .40 with a 2″ barrel, but the .22 is so calm and accurate.

  5. Thunder series, 380, humm I have two of these, well one is a smaller model for my wife. have only put maybe 150 rounds each, through them. No jams no missfires. How do these usually break? Firing them, dropping it? Where should I check?
    Thanks Don

  6. My advice… Carry what you feel best with! It’s you’re ass, if you shoot straight with it, you’re life is more important than anything! That’s why you carry, right?

  7. I agree with Rob. I carry what I am most comfortable and confident with; namely either my 357, or 38.

  8. I truly question that you are a so-called hand gun expert. You made some sense about 4 out of 5 of these handguns, but in your own words, you know nearly nothing about Kel-Tek. For one, I am a Certified NRA handgun Expert and 2nd, I have over 40 years in the Rifle/Shotgun/Handgun field. That being said, I own and carry a Kel-Tek P11 and have put over a thousand rounds down range with this P11 and have had only 2 stove pipe jams. I don’t know about the other Kel-Tek lines but the P11 I own is a very reliable firearm and I can hit 5 inch grouping out to 20 yards. Yes it take practice to hit those groupings, but then it takes practice with any handgun to hit those grouping at that distance. So do some additional research before turning someone away from a firing platform. Also, I did my research and held test beds before purchasing my Kel-Tek P11…I do my research. Sorry, not trying to be rude, but you made it clear that your have purchased several (more than one) of these failed handgun platform so either you not do your research and are wasting your money, or you are purchasing these platform to do your research? I don’t know. But purchasing more than one makes me wonder? Just my 2 cents worth, good luck readers from a NRA Certified Handgun Expert.

  9. Sure can’t see carrying any rimfire. I have actually experienced up to 14% fail to fire from a very popular brand and that was in a quality S&W auto.
    Living in the midwest carry choice is dictated by climate of the day. My backup is always a Beretta 3032. On the waist will be a Sig P320 in 357sig, A Sig P238 or a S&W 38 + p snub nose. Ammo is a factor also and I always load with Hornady FTX when it is available due to the awesome wound channel data.

  10. Begging your pardon on your opening statement. I own a PF11 but me and my two daughters all carry Kel Tec PF9’s. We’ve each gone through 2 different defensive handgun training classes for a total of 6 days of intensive and active firing. Each of us have gone through at least 1200 rounds during these classes. NO PROBLEMS WITH OUR KELTECS!!!!! No jams, no misfires, none. So, even though accuracy suffers due to the very short barrels and the recoil is “felt” due to the lightweight polymer frames, as a daily carry weapon I rely on mine to stop a human predator out to about 10 to 15 feet. I can draw from concealed, fire two to the chest and one to the head in 1 1/2 seconds on a consistent basis. I’ll keep my Kel Tec’s thank you.

    • I agree. I carried a Kel-Tec P-11 as a pocket gun for over 12 years while operating my computer store. It never failed me except for one stovepipe at the range, and i suspect that was caused by me limp wristing it. I have recently moved up to a shoulder holstered Kimber 3″ .45, or a OWB S&W M&P .45 compact. In dress clothes, I still carry the Kel-Tec. It has served me well.

  11. You also may want to add the Kimber Solo. Very ammo picky. My wife’s Kimber Solo has a FTF every other round. Even using 147 grain. My S&W Shield on the other hand feeds anything I load it with.

  12. I know it’s large and heavy but I love my 1911 45ACP, it saved my life more than once both in Vietnam and as a civilian. I wear loose fitting clothes and don’t show it like a lot of CCW permit holders do. When walking up to me or by me you would not know that I was armed and if you tried to bump me to see if I was carrying well lets just say you would at best brush against me like the wind. I am a former US ARMY RANGER and a former Alaska State Trooper. My 1911 is customized with a little work, match barrel and bushing with new firing pin every 2 years and all new springs. I have the slide rails checked annually for wear and general tightness. I use a dry-lube, powder graphite, on all working parts and a deep cleaning monthly unless used if used I clean it afterwards. Keeping your weapon clean is probably the best thing you can do for both operation and accuracy.
    When I am at the range I alternate targets between 10 feet and 25 yards. At 10 feet if you need your weapon you will draw and fire without aiming. You want to know where that round is going to hit as you can not get into stance and aim, you have about 1.5 seconds to put you assailant down before he reaches you. I carry Ready 1 or cocked & locked round in the chamber.
    I recommend that people try to practice firing live ammo at a range you can practice drawing your weapon and firing it with your buddy yelling at you from different positions and up close also have your friend fire his weapon beside you as you draw yours have a second friend time your response. Change your positions and fire with your weak hand as if your strong hand is hit and unusable. Your life depends on you, your family’s lives depend on you and that is all that matters. Remember shoot to kill and not to wound. Practice head shots as if they were wearing body armor there are so many things to take into account.

    • I understand your logic in general but it depends on why you are carrying. I’ve been shooting well over 40 years, not just plinking but certified by sanctioning bodies in sport, precision and tactical. I carry a Kel-Tec P-AT .380 every day, even though I have a safe full of expensive full frame handguns. Why? Because it is very light, narrow, safe (integrated safety) and easy to carry with the belt clip and accurate at 5 yards, which is all I need. Plus they are cheap and reliable, assuming that you keep them clean and lubricated. Lastly, the gun you have on you is better than the one you left in the truck. If it’s too big and bulky to carry in lightweight clothes, it’s no good.
      I also carry a Taurus Judge. Here’s why: 1. I live in the South. Everybody carry these on their hips to shoot Cotton mouths (lethal snakes) in the wetlands/woods. Also, I have one in a holster beside my bed – loaded with PDX rounds. Great for a kill shot at 5 feet. I also keep one in the truck against carjacking, which is what they advertise them for. They are cheap enough to have two or three.

    • Smart should teach a class..I was in Nam also and my 45 was my best friend..a rifle is not always accessible at the time of need..but your 45 is right there by your side.. when out on recon i slept with both when i did sleep..which was seldom..on a firebase i usually carried the 45..head shots are guaranteed stoppers..

    • Ralph, I’m with you. As a retired Marine we trained with the M1911A1 and the MEU(SOC), both on the 1911 frame. I feel very comfortable carrying this gun (Springfield Loaded) and wouldn’t leave home without it….unless I’m hunting and then it’s a S&W model 629 44 Mag 4″ barrel …

  13. Hello everyone. One gun that I’d personally put at the top of the list here is the Zastava M-57 pistol. I used to own one as it was heap cheap to purchase from our local gun shop. A few things I found out is that (1) even out doors, if you should decide to shoot that bugger then you will pretty much be deaf after just 1 single mag. I know this because I was stupid enough to do it. I figured I’d be o.k. if I was shooting out doors. (2) The trigger pull was ungodly! I’m talking upwards of 10+ lbs of pull to fire that thing! I had it checked out at our local gun shop and they tested it with a pull gauge. The lowest pull they managed was 9 lbs. (3)If you do decide to shoot one of these things, then you will be lucky to hit the broad side of a barn with it. Now I won’t go and brag about how I’m a dead shot and a top marksman or anything but at 25 yards I can stack my shots with my trusty black powder pistol but with that Zastava I was lucky to even hit that target at all. The heavy trigger pull has a lot to do with that. (4)Another thing I found was that there was only 1 lone gun dealer within 20 miles of my home that even carried the ammo for that pistol. (it shot the 7.62x25mm Tokorev round) and it was rather expensive to boot. Trust me folks, if you’ve got one of these pistols then you don’t want to use it for self defense. It would be better put to use throwing it at someone. Aaaaanyway, that’s my own humble opinion.

    • I’d have to disagree on the M-57. While I’ll agree it is not the most accurate handgun I own it is more than accurate enough for me to get all my rounds in a 4 inch circle at 50 feet, well outside of what is considered defensive handgun range. For its size it is nice and thin and can be carried without showing. Ammo is easily available online, even JHP rounds. The 7.62×25 is an awesome round, capable of easily penetrating auto bodies and lower level defensive body armor. Finally, it’s based on a John Browning design, you cannot go wrong with that.

  14. I think that the KelTec pmr30 is a great gun. I would agree that it wouldn’t be my choice for carry because of its size. With that being said my choice for carry is a S&W 9mm Shield. Weight, accuracy and no issues with any misfires. Back to pmr30 if you take your time and accurately load your mags you won’t have jams. This is a double stack mag and requires more fiddling to get it right. If you get it right the gun will treat you right. The biggest problem is finding .22lr Mags at a down to earth price.

  15. I carry nothing but a glock .40. Never ever had a jam with either reloads or factory. It simply always goes bang when I pull the trigger. Also when I practice I begin my sessions with a .22 sighted in at fifty yards. It’s a Smith and Wesson semi auto target pistol that I purchased ten years ago new for two hundred dollars. It shoots well with an aim point sight at fifty yards and allows me to work on trigger control and not worry about anything else. After fifty rounds or so at twenty to fifty yards I switch over to my glock. Same drill. I’m done when I can hit seven out of ten skeet at fifty yards with ten shots in fifteen seconds. Slow yes. But I’m seventy. Also I am using full power loads that I carry with not reduced.

  16. Ah, yet another internet gun “expert” heard from. How did we all survive in the years before these Gods of the Gun World were able to impart their wisdom to us? Who will ever know . . . certainly not us since we are obviously too stupid to draw our own conclusions.

    A couple of points to support my initially sarcastic comment.

    1. Kel Tecs . . . I carry one as a BUG and I have never had my PF9 fail. Not once. not ever. I have no concerns about carrying it as a BUG with my G21 as my EDC.

    2. DAO revolvers. Nope, not my choice, but I do know a biker who carries one in a shoulder holster when riding. My choice? No. But as soon as this idiot uses downtown DC and Chicago as his examples of why you shouldn’t carry a SAO revolver he loses all credibility . Don’t get me wrong, I would never carry a SAO revolver in a major city but anyone who is not a complete idiot knows you can’t concealed carry in DC. Trust me, I’m there several times a month and the only people carrying there are the bad guys. So, this guy is FOS.

    3. WTF is he blathering about Desert Eagle failures? Would I carry one as an EDC? Not generally, but only because they’re heavy. I have two and if you use ammo with enough power, they NEVER fail. I mean NEVER. And accurate? Oh, trust me, you can put the round through the same hole over and over at the usual combat ranges of 10 to 25 yards. No idea where this idiot is getting 30 yards.

    In short, this guy is just another wannabe with a You Tube channel who has spent some money to have T-shirts made . . . . wow.

    He’s welcome to respond to this, and I would be glad to hear whatever he has to say. But . . . . actions speak louder than words, and I think the tiniest penis here probably belongs to the guy who disses other people for their choices. Oh . . . . did I say that out loud?

  17. I liked the video and agree that a decocker is better than a manual safety, you stated that in this or another video you have. You said one gun you could change to a decocker by removing a spring. Is there a way to change the manual safety on a walther pk380 or a p22? I love my p99 which I have in 9mm and 40 cal and wish these two had decocker . Let me know, thanks.

  18. If you go to a reliable range, they rent handguns and you can try some out to see how they fit in your hand and what the recoil is and if it is a handgun you would want or not. Do not take other’s word for what you should own or carry because YOU are the one that is going to be using the handgun. If you are comfortable with the handgun and it feels right for you after you have shot it, then that is the handgun you probably want. Keep in mind the availability of ammunition. It would be a sad case if you purchased a handgun and could not find any ammunition. Some handguns feel just right for you but the ammunition is either hard to find or it is very expensive. So, take into consideration the feel, fit and ammunition of the handgun you want to purchase. Your life or someone else’s might be determined on your purchase and your shooting accuracy.

  19. I wish you would do away with the sounds and voices that make hearing the video impossible. The only way that I could make out what was being said was by reading lips!

  20. I carry the judge Public defender due to bears and cats threat on the job. This revolver has not failed once at the range, maybe I got lucky but I have no complaints about reliability with this piece. Carry at 2:00 inside waistband with an up tilt, a hefty guy like myself barely feels it.

  21. I was disappointed to see the Bersa Thunder as the 5th gun. My son bought this for me when we completed our CCW class and even the instructor recommended it. I have used this gun for five years constantly and only had one jam once because of some bad ammo. I haven’t experienced one problem with it and I can consistently hit the targets where intended. My accuracy with this gun is amazing. There doesn’t seem to be any issues with the frame and frankly it fits great in my pocket, my purse or my jacket.

  22. I tend to agree with several other commenters that the Kel-Tec pistols are generally quite reliable and decent carry guns. There may have been some initial problems with reliability when they were first introduced, but Kel-Tec has been great about solving those issues. Personally I have not seen or heard about many frame failures in any ‘mainstream’ semi-auto pistols, Bersa included, and suspect it is a pretty rare occurrence. Bersa pistols have proven to be very reliable and generally have excellent actions.
    I consider the author’s comments on the Taurus Judge line to be a bit off the mark since he refers to accuracy at 30 yards when taking about a concealed carry pistol. Seriously…. 30 yards! If a potential threat is 30 yards away, I personally would most likely not be shooting at it with any pistol.
    The Rhino does seem like a great option to explore if you like revolvers.

  23. I have no personal knowledge or experience of the PMR30. This jackass obviously has no personal knowledge of the rest of the Kel-Tecs. I have a P-11, PF-9, and 2 of the P3AT’s. (One for me and one for my wife for summer wear) NEVER experienced any kind of hiccup with any of them, EVER. Just because a carry pistol doesn’t cost north of $600.00 doesn’t mean it is a bad gun. The Kel-Tecs fill a gap in the carry market that is needed. RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE, protection. Now if you are going to put 1000 rounds a week through ’em then maybe not, but these guns are not designed to be your range ammo gobbler. You can put plenty through then to get proficient and have a gun that you can carry the rest of your life that WILL function if you ever need it to with minimal maintenance. Yes I have Smiths, Kimbers, and XD’s as well as other “quality” guns. But for reliable protection for the buck, you aint gonna beat a Kel-Tec, and they are made in the USA to boot! Just stop the bashing of Kel-Tecs. You are full of it.

  24. Why not include the Hi-Point. They are good guns to take fishing. Tie one on your line and you can cast a mile.

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