The 60-round AR-15 Shooting Workout


What do you do when you take your AR-15 to the range?

Do you just turn into a dirt blaster and shoot a box or two of ammo as fast as you can into the berm? Do mag dumps until you’re out of ammo?

Or do you practice?


Practice makes perfect, and here is an AR-15 practice workout that only takes three boxes of ammo (60 rounds). Perfect if you’re limited on time or don’t have a lot of money for ammo:

The 60 Round AR-15 Shooting Workout


Target: DEA DOT Target (Six 2.5-3″ circles can be drawn on cardboard, numbered 1-6)

Drill 1 (Warmup): 2 Rounds Each Dot, look at time, focus on fundamentals (12 rounds))

Drill 2: From Low Ready 2 shots x 2

Drill 3: From High Ready, 2 shots x 2

Drill 4: Speed and accuracy drill – from ready position

– 10 yds – 2 rounds in 2 secs
– 20 yds – 2 rounds in 2 secs
– 25 yds – 2 rounds in 2 secs
– 35 yds – 2 rounds in 2 secs
– 50 yds – 1 round in 2 secs
– 100 yds – 1 round in 4 secs (drop to prone position)

Drill 5: At 10 yds, 2 targets, V-TAC triple threat variation

– 3 chest, 2 pelvis, 1 head on each target
– for time

Drill 6: El Presidente, 3 targets

– left to right, 2 rounds to chest on each
– reload
– 2 rounds to chest of each

What Do You Think?

Try it out and let us know what you think?

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Caleb Lee is the #1 best-selling author of "Concealed Carry 101" and founder of He is a civilian (no law enforcement or military experience) who shares information about self-defense and becoming more self-reliant. He's a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo, NRA Certified Basic Pistol & Personal Protection Inside The Home Instructor, Concealed Carry Academy Instructor certified & also a graduate of the Rangermaster firearms instructor course. He's also the author of numerous online courses including the course.


  1. This can be a good practice if all you plan to use an AR for killing people. Now I realize there are a lot of “cowboys” out there, planning on being attacked by a gang, either thugs or an agency, and think they have to put a wall of fire to stop them. Just when has it come down to kill or be killed. I guess I missed the reason for having my ARs. I am a Vietnam vet, and I know how to take out the enemy, but when did everything change? Why can’t people go to the range and have fun? The gun club I am a member of has a two second rule, now I know the cowboys will violate the rule, break the rule and you will loose your membership forever no ifs or buts.

    One last thought, just when was the art of duck and cover stopped? I saw what happened to the “gung ho” in a fire fight. Without knowing how it is done right, your life expectance is going to be very short. So go to the range and have fun.

  2. I see your point Larry, but hey, it looks fun to me!

    Why can’t you have fun while practicing potentially life-saving skills?

    • You can Caleb, but I guess my point is the we have too many that want to go to war, except most of these hotdogs have not ever been the military, let a long shot at in the heat of battle.

      As I had mentioned, the range I am a member is set up for slow fire. We have shooting teams that compete with targets out to 600 yards. The competition I would like to be in is 3 gun, however there is not enough interest to get it started and a whole new range would need to be built.

      Thanks for the article though, I hope to be able to shot a range for this in the future, Thanks again

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