CONTROVERSIAL: Why Glocks Beat Out Every Other Pistol


If you’re reading this post, chances are you’re here either to defend your love for Glocks to the death or to decry what some perceive to be rampant fanboy-ism for the Austrian gunmakers ubiquitous pistols.

Either way, your opinions on the matter are likely pretty strong.

But before you jump to your typical conclusions on Glocks, take the time to read what Off the Grid News has to say about why these guns continue to hold an edge over the rest of the handgun market.


Even if you get to the end of the article and still don’t agree, we’d love to hear your informed objections in the comments below.

Without further ado, here’s the post:

Nowadays, handguns from the Glock family of Safe Action pistols are among the most common you’ll see. The Austrian company makes their handguns in a variety of sizes and calibers from 380 ACP up to the awe-inspiring 10mm. If you have not considered one of these handguns in your survival strategy, you may be shortchanging yourself.

First, a Little History

The year was 1982 and a new handgun hit the market called the Glock 17. The concept was radical for its time: There was no hammer, no safety and the frames were made of plastic. The handguns even shipped in what could best be described as a black Tupperware box as opposed to the wooden or cardboard cartons more common in that day and age.

Myths surrounded the import. For example, some said it would be used by terrorists to hijack planes because it could bypass a metal detector thanks to its plastic frame. That statement, however, was flat-out ridiculous because the pistol still contains more than one pound of steel in its construction.

There also was great interest in the Safe Action feature. External safeties had always been seen as necessities on semi-automatic pistols since their invention. But Glock eliminated them by creating what they called a Safe Action trigger. This purpose-built, two-piece trigger performs the function of a safety and prevents the pistol from being fired should it drop on the ground or be struck by another object.

Eliminating a manual safety was key in allowing Glock to take over the majority of police handgun contracts as the firing sequence resembled that of a revolver, which allowed users to draw, point, aim and shoot without having to disengage a safety switch.

Perhaps Glock’s biggest advantage at the time was releasing their first model with a 17-round magazine. It was one of the largest pistol magazines available at the time without extending beyond the grip frame. And it has remained the ideal ever since. Glock and a number of aftermarket supporters also offer 10-round magazines for those who reside in restrictive states.

Shooting the Glock

There is a bit more muscle needed and a small bit of science involved with successfully and accurately shooting a Glock. The polymer frame forces the shooter to maintain a firm and strong grip. Otherwise, the frame can exhibit too much flex when the follow-through portion of the firing sequence is committed and the heavier-style trigger is the bane of single-action, semi-automatic pistol fans everywhere.

Some shooters claim the bore axis is too high, or that “they shoot too high” when firing a Glock. This varies depending upon the shooter, as most shooters do not experience this.

Aside from that, the Glock is one of the ultimate handguns to have when a disaster strikes. Aside from its reputation for reliability in the most adverse conditions (Glocks have been dropped from helicopters, run over with HUMVEEs, buried and caked in sand and mud, and even frozen in a block of ice without suffering any negative effects) they can be completely disassembled by only using a single punch.

For those concerned with home defense and self-defense, Glocks remain a great choice.

The smallest handgun in their lineup is the Model 42, a single stack handgun chambered in 380 ACP. This is part of Glock’s Slimline, along with the slightly larger Model 43 in 9mm and even larger Model 36 in 45 ACP.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the competition frames represent their largest handguns, including the 17L, 34, 41 and 40. The latter is probably the most powerful handgun that the company produces – a 10mm with a 6-inch slide that pushes the ballistics of that cartridge toward true Magnum revolver performance. This makes for an ideal sidearm in bear country, and Norwegian Police have been using the shorter Model 20 in the same caliber for decades in areas frequented by polar bears.

Their most popular handguns tend to be in the three basic sizes: full size (represented by the Model 17 in 9mm and 22 in 40 S&W), compact (Model 19 in 9mm and 23 in 40 S&W) and subcompact (Model 26 in 9mm and 27 in 40 S&W). The larger calibers such as 45 ACP and 10mm are built on slightly larger frames, with the compact models having a length that falls between the compact and subcompact pistols.

In recent years, Glock has been incorporating other features into their latest pistols. They have added rails to attach lights and lasers, included removable plates on the top of the slides to install optical sights, and added threaded barrels for use with silencers. They even offer interchangeable back straps to fit hands of all sizes.

The aftermarket support for the company makes them a hit with customers who want to try different calibers, triggers or install a stock and convert the Glock into a short-barreled rifle. Personally, I never leave my Glocks in factory condition and have customized them. I have installed, among other add-ons, fiber optic sights on a few and find them superior to night sights for a variety of reasons.

Just about every holster manufacturer offers leather or Kydex rigs to carry the Glock and in many ways, this Austrian-made pistol is more of an American handgun than the ones actually made here.

Ok, now you have your chance to say your peace about the Glock. You’ve heard one side of the story, so now you can give us yours. Or maybe you just want to chime in with some good-hearted support for the pro-Glock camp.

Regardless, give us a shout in the comments.



  1. I am a Glock fan. I carry my Glock 27, 40 caliber everyday, everywhere, in a IWB, High noon leather holster, thank you very much.

  2. I own a G23gen4Glock40 and I believe everything you said. My next door neighbor is a policeman and he owns a G22 because his hands are larger than mine. I wouldn’t want anything else. I also like the idea of the Safe Action trigger.

  3. the same gun will not work for everyone. you need to find the gun that works best for you. god made us all different

  4. I have several Glocks, Rugers and a Sig Sauer. I have 9mm and 45 calibers. All shoot just a little bit different. All of them have a Polymer Frame, Not Plastic, with a Steel Slide and the slide is metal on metal. I carry a Glock, but when it comes to target and competition shooting I rely on my Sig Sauer and Ruger. The Glock36, with night sights, in 45 caliber makes a very handy gun to keep by the bed.

  5. My handgun of choice is a Glock G4G20 chambered in 10 mm. I prefer the Glock over all others because of the Safe Action trigger system. I do NOT want to be fumbling around for a safety in an emergency. The Glock meets that need. I could care less that it has a polymer frame. It only helps make this formidable pistol lighter. I am not happy with the way the grip is stippled with their pattern to make it “stick” to the hand while shooting – the Glock is a handful to shoot and after running off a full clip my hand will be sore. I have to think that the chances of me ever having to actually run off a full clip in an emergency are negligible, so this is not a big concern. Overall, I am very happy with this awesome weapon.

  6. Haha, had a couple of these guns and sold them. You may like them, heck you might even love them….that’s your right. I on the other hand don’t and no matter how many times you guys jump up and down and scream that glock is the end all….I’ll still buy Colt, Sig, S&W and Beretta. Sorry, I’m just not the guy your going to impress with a gun a cop shoots…who cares? I don’t

    • Corona beer is the skankiest and probably about the most mediocre beers on the mass market. It constantly loses blind test tests but benefits greatly from a robust marketing scheme. Glock is the Corona beer of the handgun market. It only appeals to those most susceptible to mass marketing schemes. I’m with you, Shecky – virtually anything but Glock…

    • “with a gun a cop shoots”?? don’t you know that MOST cops not only use the glock, but also colt, beretta, s&w and sig sauer…ESPECIALLY SIG SAUER…

  7. There are a number of reported incidents in which Glocks have fired accidentally when being drawn from either a holster or pocket, and the trigger caught on an obstruction. I see no advantage in the “safe action trigger” over a simple trigger (without the “safety” feature). I carry a .45 double stack 1911, which has an external “manual” safety as well as a grip safety, and have never had a problem taking off the manual safety before firing. I suppose it is all a matter of training and practice. I also carry a .45 double stack Springfield XDm which has a Glock style “safe action trigger” safety, but is also equipped with a 1911 style grip safety. The latter makes the pistol much safer in my opinion, as it cannot be fired accidentally if the trigger gets snagged or hung up on some part of the holster or clothing. If you aren’t holding it in your hand, and thus depressing the grip safety, it won’t go BANG. I think the Glocks would benefit considerably from the addition of a similar grip safety, and I see no down-side to doing so.

  8. Only time I fired a glock is when I rented one at the gun range. Failed to fire five times with same cartridges that functioned fine in my Kimber. Did not feel as good in my hand as most others–Springfield, Sig Sauer, Desert Eagle. People are different.

    • I have had 2 glock 23’s in the last 20 years, and have never had, nor heard (until now) of a failure to fire in a Glock, period. You must have been using reloaded rounds with a lead nose bullet (never use a lead nose bullet with a polygonal barrel). Never heard of a bullet jammed, never failure to fire, never have a stovepipe in a Glock–that is why over 50% of law-enforcement agencies in the United States use them.

  9. I’m a gunsmith/armorer,, and all I can say about a Glock is “un-frigging believable!” Great gun, if everyone shot Glocks I’d be the chief engineer on the soup train.

  10. I have 3 Glocks (G32, 33, 36S). I have other guns that I like to shoot that are more enjoyable to shoot than the Glock. For me, despite the representation that the grip angle mimics a 1911, I find this to be false. For me, and I have long fingers, it is still difficult to put my index finder pad on the trigger. So, I have to crank my hand around to make this happen, and it just doesn’t feel like a 1911, which, to me, fits like a glove. But, I’m in love with my 1911s, even though they are not “BBQ” guns. So, I carry them on a limited basis. So, living part-time in FL, and with the humidity, I find packing the Glock makes a lot of sense. God forbid my 1911 get rusty!!

    • The Glock does not mimic the 1911 grip angle but that of the 1908 Luger. They are both pretty natural pointing weapons but you have to get used to what you shoot. I have a Glock 17 and really like it. I found I was drilling bullseyes with it right out of the box at 50 feet. I also really like my 1911 and my S&W M&P 40 cal as well as my Beretta 92FS. I am definitely a lover of full size auto pistols!

  11. I dont think glocks are for everyone on the planet. My son carries one but I do not. My first and last choice are Sigsaur. Never ever had a jam or misfire and I have put 1000s of every type of ammo thru it.They may cost a bit more but when it comes to a critical moment I have full confidence my Sig will operate to perhaps save myself or someone else in any situation.Hands down the best semiauto Ive ever owned.Period. Sigsaur for life!

    • All semi-auto pistols w/o exception are subject to several malfunctions. That is why I carry trusty revolvers,

    • Dennis, I couldn’t agree with you more, I too own Sig Saur’s and have experienced the same consistent operation with a variety of ammunition. But more importantly is accuracy, I am proficient and accurate with a handgun, all of my handguns and I own several, in both pistols and revolvers. Of all the handguns that I have fired, the glock without fail is the least accurate handgun I and several of my friends have ever had the displeasure of firing. Granted, they didn’t make the name for themselves as the most accurate, just the platform that can be mistreated, unclean and poorly maintained and still manage to shoot a round. Whether you hit the target in a firefight and your life is on the line… Well that’s another problem and glock never made that promise. I wouldn’t intentionally mistreat, misuse or abuse my Sig’s, however I wouldn’t expect any operational issues with any of my firearms under a similar dropped in the mud situation, I would in a firefight, shake the mud off my firearm and return fire, the difference is, I know that my first shot would hit the intended target, without fail. Then I would take the time to properly clean and maintain my favorite handguns the Sig Saur, worth every penny. To the glock fans, hay! you should be happy that leaves more of them for you, there a dime a dozen, heck buy two.

  12. I like the fact that you can get parts very fast almost anywhere. Not like some other manufacturers of pistols where you cannot find parts or magazines for. I like the ideal being you can use differant mags in differant guns. That’s what made me choose glock. It’s also easy to do your own gun smithing. Glock keep up the great work

  13. I have a Glock 19 (For Sale) A Sig Sauer P226 MK25 Desert, and a Beretta PX4 Storm. The Beretta out performs the Glock all day long and is my preferred CC weapon.
    At 72 years old with arthritic hands the Beretta is a lot easier to use.

  14. To me, Glocks are plastic crap! They feel like crap, look like crap and just plain feel “cheesy” in the hand, I prefer my Kimber! And further more, for all you home-defense people thinking a pistol is your best choice, think again, a 12 gauge shotgun with high brass steel BB shot or some of the special defense rounds available now is a far better choice for a home defense weapon. Do you really think you can pull focus and shoot a single projectile accurately at an intruder that just broke into your home at 2:45 in the morning? If I’m not mistaken the average home defense gun owner only practices about 6 times a year with their sidearm. A gauge may make a mess but your chances of striking an intruder are much greater.

    • Finally,.. someone who is quick to point out the most reasonable home defense option,… A 12Ga. I get so tired of hearing how people are gonna take out intruders with a moments notice, and start putting rounds on target like J. Miculek at nationals, especially after being startled awake,… just grab a 12 gauge. As for Glocks, I suppose the one upside to owning a Glock would have to be the vast assortment of aftermarket parts and accessories, but I prefer the M&P’s… I just like ’em

  15. I have a Glock model 22, I had a Meprolight Tru-Dot Adjustable night sights installed. These sights are a real inprovement over the factory sights. Also installed a Double Diamond 3.5 lb. connector. Also bought a 357 sig barrel. I like the 40 but like the 357 sig better. The pistol is very accurate with both barrels.

    I have a concealed carry license, so bought a Glock model 27 for my concealed carry gun. Also bought a 357 sig barrel for it. You won’t believe how accurate this little gun is. I have pistols costing three times what I paid for my Glocks. But given the choice I would keep my Glocks over my other pistols. I will probably buy night sights for it but that will be all the custom work that I will have done on my model 27 as the trigger pull is excellent the way it is.

  16. I love my Glock 19 and use it as an everyday concealed carry. I also plan on purchasing a Glock 42 in the near future to replace my Kahr CW9. Glocks make great shooters out of average shooters. Awesome pistols.

    • The Kahrs are extremely accurate and handle recoil well, I am much better with my CW40 than my G42 whose trigger pull even after modification is still not great. The Kahr however is very touchy on ammo, perhaps due to tight specs…I also absolutely HATE taking it apart to clean it since I have arthritis [I have broken the retention spring]. I would go for the G43 per the reviews, I only use the 42 as a backup for close situations and it is the only Glock I own that I would not purchase again…My others are all 40 cals and I do just fine with them and do three things; Vicker’s mag release & slide lock, and a new trigger connector to take the pull down a bit, your choice. My best accuracy is with the 27!

  17. Sorry, I don’t agree with the Glock comments. I’ve owned a few Sig Sauers over the years and I’ve shot any number of Glocks and yes, there is a difference in price but quality wise, accuracy wise, (and trigger wise) Sig is way ahead in the game. Having served as a police officer for 22 years our department went with Glocks because of cost although officers were allowed to carry a Sig Sauer if they qualified with it. Yes, Glock fires every time you pull the trigger. So does my sig.

  18. I use to hate glocks. I didn’t like the feel of them, the look of them or anything at all about them. I shot rugers. Still like ruger, but I started looking in to the fasination that everybody had with glock and heres what I found. Glock doesn’t have the best trigger or look. What it does have is reliablety unsurpasted by anything else. It will still be in the fight when others are jammed up. A glock will still fire with a broken trigger spring as long as you hold the trigger back as the gun cycles it will reset. Glock impressed me to the point that I am now a glock certified armorer. Triggers and feels can be over come with practice. My g3 19 feels great in my hands. Looks mean nothing in a fight. Glock is the only gun I’ll put in my waistband. Just something to think on. Research it like I did, you may change your mind too.

  19. 1911’s forever. Over 100 years of reliability, as far as caliber, there is only the 45. The Thompson-LaGarde tests of 1900 shot actual flesh, not ballistic gel, news papers, phone books, etc. Real live flesh and bones, there were some cadavers. Unless the composition of human beings has changed in the last 100 years, these tests are still valid.

  20. I’ve seen Glocks fail a couple of times, it was during a pistol competition, so no harm done to anyone. Being a cast bullet user, I shy away from polygonal barrels of anyone’s make. Way back when I started, it was with 1911 pistols and a Browning Hi-Power, ergo Glock triggers have always felt strange to me. That being said, Glocks have shown themselves to be functionally reliable, a paramount issue for service pistols. Personally, I prefer all steel pistols. Push coming to shove, it all boils down to either personal preference, or a question of which piece is issued. Most any contemporary pistol, given a modicum of care and attention will serve for any reasonable requirement and a great many of the less reasonable ones too. Pay your money and take our choice.

  21. I have a Glock 22 in 40 cal.. It definitely exhibits many of the mentioned attributes. I just don’t like the heavy 8 lb. trigger pull.. The theory relates to the condition of while being under stress , you don’t cap a round to soon. Great for law enforcement. I prefer 1911’s, 1 in the shoot, and a 10 round mag. I’m sorry that I ever bought the Glock.


    • In 20 minutes you can install a new trigger connector and take the trigger pull down to under 4#, which I have done to everyone I own for a whole $22.00 from Ghost. If you want to go lower you will then need to alter the springs for a few more bucks. Accuracy way up. Yes a Full size Sig is a fine piece, but I am in this for self defense and sport, not competition and can own two for the price of one and they are less picky about what they shoot and their condition.

  22. Corona beer is one of the skankiest beers on the market but sells well because of a robust marketing scheme. Corona never wins taste tests but sells well because everyone that’s not a critical thinker thinks it’s hip and cool. Glock is the Corona beer of handguns…

  23. I have four blocks 3 with lasers 2 concealed carry I would have nothing else sorry all you other handguns

  24. The glocks simply don’t fit my hand. I did a try-it-before-you-by-it, and the glock was the first one on the list to go back I too, am a 1911 fan. They simply feel better in my hand.


  26. I currently own 2 Glock 19s in 9mm along with a 1911 .45, a kel tec pf9, and have competed with Smith and Wesson revolvers in .38cal. While I appreciate the reliability of the Glock I recently aquired a Canik TP9S.A. 9mm pistol. I was pleasantly surprised to find it more accurate and easier to shoot than my Glocks.
    Having put over 300 rounds through the gun without a single failure. The trigger is lighter and smoother than my Glock. I will still keep my glocks but am quickly becoming a fan of the Canik.

  27. Never have liked Glocks, they just don’t feel right in my hands. I carry the Ruger P345 in .45 ACP IWB everyday & it has never failed to fire whatever I put through it including my own reloads. But to each his own that’s what makes the world go round.

  28. I have a strong preference for the 1911 pistols. Though I have and often carry and shoot G23, G19, G27s, I prefer the 1911 unless weight is an issue. Typically for me that’s only a consideration during summer carry when I’m dressed in lighter clothes. The Glocks I’ve had all get 3.5lb triggers and night sights. They haven’t been as accurate as my 1911s or Beretta 92Fs, but they have been plenty reliable. I’ve watched 1000 rd reliability shoots of glocks that had 12 failures. I’m just trying to figure out when I’m ever going to carry 1000 rds on me in loaded mags! Typically people carry 1-2 spare mags. And all the above pistols when lubricated for carrying will get through more than double that without issues. Accuracy at combat distances are adequate for all the above.
    Now if we’re talking Zombie Apocalypse, I’m bringing my long gun and pistol as backup!
    Just remember, no amount of gadgetry will suffice if you fail to get quality instruction. Get trained well and practice regularly with ANY quality pistol and you’ll be ahead of the rest.

  29. Improved on Glock Perfection on my Glock 22 Gen 4 (40 caliber) with Talon grips, XS Big Dot sights, extended slide release and 3.5lb Ghost trigger. Love the gun. Over 1000 rounds, never a problem. May not be the prettiest girl at the dance but she will do what you want every time. Reliable!

  30. To the editor: Please feel free to post the email I sent you. If not, then I know my answer to your controversy. Being single minded and not finding what might be right for you could be a mistake and a valuable, costly lesson.

  31. I had a G17 but it was nothing special. I prefer my S&W M&P 9c or my Kimber 1911. American made and both shoot great!

  32. I’ve shot Glocks, and found the lighter weight to increase the recoil. I’ll stick with my Camp Perry National Match 1911. I re-barreled and bushinged it about a year ago, and it still drives tacks at 50 meters with out any problems. Besides, I think it depends on what you’re used to. the weight never has been an issue anyway.

  33. Wow the Glock sounds like a great handgun with all its durability in combat conditions as well as it’s civilian use in self defense and home invasion, but the only problem is that I’m not at least 21 so I can’t actually own a handgun lisense but when I can and have the money for it I would like to buy ether the 10mm or the .45ACP Glock as well as a Colt 1911 but right now I would be looking to buy rifles and mabe build an AR while I can.

  34. Glocks were ok when I used them – but favor over all Ruger P95 – Big hands, love the P95 fat grip

  35. I have a Glock 22 and a S&W M&P 40 and do not see much difference between the two. I still like my 1911 45’s . All the arguments pro/con are more fun than anything. Then we can talk about revolvers, big and small and then 22 rim fires which are always fun too. We just have too much fun with our tools! Good shooting”!

  36. It took me a long time to jump on the Glock bandwagon and after trying just about everything in that price range I decided to give the glock a try. I realized I stayed away from Glock for certain reasons. its one of those guns that does everything OKAY but NOTHING great. There are other guns that do SOME things great but the other things okay. Springfield Armory’s XD, XDM and XD Mod.2’s are all just as good if not better than Block (I mean glock). I think Glock’s are decent guns but definitely overrated for the price and coming from a marketing background the only reason Glock is anything is because of MARKETING. There are many guns out there that can hang with the Glock or even outperform them in many ways. Ruger’s imitation of the Glock is a perfect example of bringing an American-made Glock to the table in just as reliable of a package at a lower cost (and it’s 100% American-made). S&W does the same thing at a competitive price to the Glock. Glock definitely was innovative back in the 80’s and started the trend of polymer handguns but there are many other models that came about from other companies that outshine the Glock at a lower price. I’d take a S&W, a Springfield, a Ruger and a Sig Sauer base model SP2022 over a Glock anyday. With all that negative Glock talk said I still would trust my life on it if SHTF. I guess I’ll throw it in my B.O.B. or get home bag and forget about it when the apocalypse comes but even when if that happens I’ll probably still be running my Ruger American Pistol, Springfield XD mod.2, 1911 or SR9E. Now let’s bring on the Block (I mean glock) fanboy hate.

  37. I’ll put my 1911, either in 45 ACP or 10 mm up against any Glock any day & it won’t sound like I’m coughin’ up a hairball when I talk about it!!

  38. I have never shot a Glock. In fact I never shot a handgun much until a few years ago. I have three , A Ruger single action 22, A Ruger GP 100 357, and a lowly Taurus Millennium G2 9mm. I traded a S&W Model 66 for the GP 100. I loved the 66 but it misfired. It was a no dash and the guy who bought it didn’t care. A lot of guys are going to hoot and howl but out of all my guns the Taurus G2 is the most fun to shoot. It was dead point of aim accurate out of the box. I can hit a four inch target four out of five times from 50 feet on a good day with my 75 year old eyes. It has been reliable with my reloads. The G2 has gotten good reviews and since it came out it has been the top seller in compacts. Why, because it is a decent gun, costs $200 and has a lifetime warranty. I don’t plan to store it in a block of ice or run over it with a tank and I am not a competitor so it meets my needs. it’s my nightstand gun and has a tac light on the rail. Sure, I would like to have a Kimber but my wife would kill me so that’s not going to happen. How does a Kimber compare with a Glock, by the way?

  39. I’ll put my 1911s, either in 45 ACP or 10 mm up against any Glock any time! I won’t sound like I’m coughin’ up as hairball when I talk about it either!!

  40. I agree that the Glock is a fine weapon, but I am a bit more old fashion, in that I do not trust striker fired weapons. In addition to my 1911A1, and other assorted handguns. I was gifted a Heckler and Koch in 9mm. It too has a polymer frame, and a steel slide. But it also has an exposed hammer, and being a south paw. I modified mine with their ambidexterious safety. Even though there are no longer any youngsters in my home. I do not keep a round in the chamber for safety reasons. Having a thumb safety and the ability to insure that the hammer is not always cocked, keeping constant tension on the spring. Just gives me a bit more reassurance and ease of mind. That and the fact that my H&K is SA/DA, it takes but a second to chamber a round, should someone unwelcome try kicking in my door. They will stand a good chance of meeting the Good Lord, as well as my firearm. Being 68 I am way too young to die, and too old to take an ass whooping.

  41. I have owned several blocks, but then I purchased a fnh concealed carry model it kicks glocks tail.go go go FNH best gun out there.

  42. All I can say is that you’re entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it is. I’ve been a gunsmith for some 35 years now. I’ve built race guns for USPSA and IPSC shooters. I have shot shot more types of guns than, as my dad used to say, than Carter has little liver pills. (This dates me as most people will have never heard of Carter’s Liver Pills)

    Glock was not the first to come out with polymer frames. So, nothing novel there.
    Their first few years were simply awful. They’ve improved, but I still wouldn’t carry one. I’ve had to deal with too many in my shop. They are NOT as tough and reliable as you make them out to be and no matter how much you cry otherwise, it just doesn’t make it true.
    Of the more than 35 handguns I own, there is not one Glock. I’ve steered my kids and grandkids away from them, too.

    I guess my only question for the author of this article would be…”What color is the sky in your world?’

    I can only feel sorry for you.

    • Sorry you have had such a negative experience. Did you ever go to Glock Armorers School? If you had, and studied the pistol, you might not have had those problems. Seattle PD used them for years, beat the crap out of them, and they kept working. Facts, not crying.

      • Actually, yes, I’ve been to Glock’s Armorer’s School and several other schools. I’m a Certified Law Enforcement Armorer. So, consequently, I know more than just the Glock. My credentials include the 1911, Glock, S&W Revolvers, S&W Autos, Beretta 92, Remington 870 Shotguns, , Mossburg 500 Shotguns, Sig Autos, Springfield Armory XD, Ruger Double Action Revolvers ,S&W M&P Semi Autos, H&K USP, AR-15, H&K MP5, & FN-Fal.

        I didn’t have the problem, the Glocks did.

  43. Glock 19 G3. Love it. Arthritic hands make it difficult to rack my Browning High Power , Colt 1911 or my Beretta 92. Nothing beats the reliability of my S&W 637, Ruger Security Six or Ruger Blackhawk 357/9mm. If its a beauty contest, all mentioned beat the Glock 19 but in the dark who cares. 🙂

  44. (I have no credentials that will make anyone “ooh” and “ahh”, so bear that in mind. Lifetime round count is probably in the 18k range, all calibers. So probably still in the early intermediate stages of proficiency.) I’ve owned/fired/would own any of the following: Glock – Springfield – Smith & Wesson- Beretta – FN Herstal – CZ – 1911s – Sig Sauer – H&K- Kahr and others I’m likely forgetting. Polymer vs. Metal makes NO difference whatsoever, except for feel, which is personal opinion and not relevant to what makes a good pistol choice. All the arguments pro and con are pretty meaningless, unless you’re researching to try to find what you might like. Then, you still have to handle and fire each weapon available to you within your budget to see what fits you best. I’ll practice or compete with any action type, caliber or composition I can get my hands on. In the end, all platforms and action types are the equal in every regard if reliability and shootability are somewhere between excellent and perfect in your own personal experiences.

  45. Have had a Glock since 1986. It is successful because of the KISS principle. I was a certified Federal LEO Firearms Instructor from 1991 until retirement in 2008 and Glocks Take a Licking and Keep On Ticking! Other than a Hi-Power, no pistol ever fit my hand as nice, was so comfortable to use.

    • You are so right about the feel of the Glock and the HIPOWER, all “caps” for the best feeling gun in my hand as well! I have had two Glks., m22,m32 and have done trigger jobs on both, have 9, 357sig and 40 barrels for both. I have not had a single problem with either gun or their conversion calibers. Another plus is the fact that if you are not an Annie Oakly or a Miculik with the glock I have got 33rnd. mags and can go as high as 50 rnds. And you can’t do that with a 1911. I have several guns autos,revolvers, all steel autos and poly-plastic autos and one polyrevolver, and I like them all, but I can’t say anything negative about any glock that I have owned or about any of my friends Glocks.

  46. All you guys have good points, between Glock-17-31, Colts 1911 or S&W MP , to me revolvers take the cake, but as long as it is .45 cal. I’m happy. Remember if you pull it out make damn sure you will use it.

  47. To me guns are like women. You check them out till you fall in love with one, and you pretty much hold onto it till something happens to it or you discover something better. So if you like it, buy it. As long as it goes bang and you can hit what you aim at in comfort, that’s all that matters. Keep your powder dry and continue to be blessed.

  48. I bought a Glock Model 19 long ago and I was LEO…..before the department went to Glock .40 cal ,for the entire dept, as the uniform duty weapon(meaning that it was the side arm issued to everyone) we were allowed to carry whatever we wanted revolver or semi-auto ,as long as the caliber was over .25 cal. I watched those 1911 .45’ers ,”I wouldn’t even shoot a “plastic gun”, let alone own one” jam up time and time again while I shot flawlessly,that is no jams ,no misfires no 3 seconds after pulling the trigger the round suddenly going off. Retired now but am thinking if I buy another pistol I’ll get a compact Glock for concealed carry. Why knock something……shoot, own or like whatever you want,keep your opinion to yourself.

  49. I’ve had several Glocks: G17, 19, 21, 26, 30, and 34. They are inexpensive, incredibly reliable, and combat accurate. I have only the G19 left because in my hand they’re quite uncomfortable and I hate the squishiness of their trigger. I am one of those single action semi-auto fans and have 1911s in a wide variety of calibers and some other very fine single actions like the Browning High Power and SIG P210. I carry an Officer-sized 1911 in .38 Super and/or a SIG P938 pocket pistol in 9mm. I won’t try to convert Glock fanatics to my preferences if they don’t try to convert me to theirs. Been there, done that, moved on.

  50. I started carrying a Glock 23 Gen3 in 2000, as a part time security officer. I still own my Glock 23. Three years ago I purchased a Glock 30SF, and this is my carry weapon of choice. I have this Glock within my reach 24/7/365. I carry in a OWB Marshall holster, hand made by Wright Leather Works LLC, to accommodate my rail mounted Crimson Trace Rail Master Laser Sight. My wife also carries a Glock 23 Gen4 with Crimson Trace Rail Master Laser Sight she purchased 4 years ago. We both have Enhanced Concealed Carry Weapon Permits, and we shoot often in a local indoor range. We love our Glocks, and we will not own any other handgun.

  51. I preferred a hammer gun in the past and still like my 1911, and Bersa Thunder 45 ultra compact. However, I decided to look at striker guns a while back. I shot several Glock models and several other guns but I settled on a Sig Sauer P320 in 40 cal because it was , for me much more accurate and has, iMHO the best features. I have the 9mm exchange kit because it allows me change the gun to 9mm in 2 minutes and it saves me $ on ammo I picked the gun that was best for me and don’t care if the whole rest of the world climbs on the Glock band wagon. Everyone should pick their sidearms (and everything else) based on what works best for them and ignore the mob mentality. Don’t get me wrong… Glock is OK and are well marketed. They may well work best for you and THAT would be the reason to buy and carry one!

  52. Love my Glocks.Have a Gen 2 17 that I bought used, and a Gen4 19 that is my EDC. I only have 2 of the 15 round mags, and keep them loaded with hollow points. For practice I use my 17 shell mags in both Glocks, except when I load up one of my 33 round mags. Like being able to just point and shoot, would rather not have to get used to an external safety or a hammer. The short trigger reset makes it easy to fire quickly–in 13.5 seconds, with the 33 round mag, I can get off 25 rounds with most being center mass. At the recent Florida State Shoot for the Well-Armed Woman Shooting Clubs we had a chance to shoot the new single stack 9mm, a full size 10mm and the new 17 and19 with the red dot sights.

  53. Glock is not God of handguns it is a matter of personal preference. I personally hate them the grip angle sucks slide is too slick if your hand are remremotely slippery they are hard to work the trigger sucks i could go on. Like i said its a matter of personal preference..

  54. Glocks are good, reliable, solid at a decent price the magazines are cheap and plentiful the after market accessories are astounding. Are they perfect? No, but if I were to choose a duty/war (open carry) gun it would be a G41 with MOS sighting systems, red dot sight, a green laser/flashflashlight combo with 4 Arrendo +4 floorplates on the mags in a security level 3 holster. If I was stuck with a 9mm it would be a G17L if I was stuck with a 40S&W it would be a G24 both equipped much the same. If I were to choose a gun for heavy duty/hunting it would be a G40 equipped much the same except the holster would be level 2. But for concealed carry I use a Springfield XD45 with a 4 inch barrel full grip it fits my hands better and has better sights and trigger from the box.

  55. Beretta 92. It’s enormous, it’s heavy, and it has outrageous reliability. It feeds anything I put my in it, even if it’s 4 different rounds from as many manufacturers. Even crappy, free hand loads. I would never feel under gunned with 15 hot jhps.

    On the other hand, it is enormous and heavy. For blazing hot weather I picked up a single stack Beretta 70. Fits in a pocket, same reliability.

    New doesn’t always mean better.

  56. Choose what suits your needs and what you are the most comfortable with, that way you will have it with you when and if you should need it.
    I will add this . . . . . Whatever your choice practice, practice, practice, practice, and then practice again.

  57. While Glocks serve quite well as a Service Pistol, ditto for civilians who do not reload, the polygonal rifling, as opposed to cut, button broached, that is “conventional” rifling and it’s incompatibility with cast bullets is something of a problem, or could be something of a problem. Replacement barrels are available to be sure, but one has o buy them, which raises the price of the pistol. One pays their money and takes their choice.

  58. I have 7 Glocks everything from a 380 up to the 10mm. They have all been very dependable and have never failed. I would stake my life on them and I think no semi pistol should have a manual safety.

  59. I do a lot of shooting, but started a long time ago, before the Glock came out.
    I vastly prefer a hammer and sear, because of the superior trigger-control. I used an M1911 with the grip-safety deactivated, just like John Moses wanted when he first invented the gun.
    Now I am using another gun, with polygonal rifling, which was invented for lead bullets. I have never fired a jacketed bullet in my gun, and the count is over 10k. The M1911, which I still use, has only had ONE jacketed bullet up the pipe, and the count on it is also over 10k.
    If you start out on a Glock, you can be trained to be VERY proficient with one. It just is more difficult if you’ve already gotten used to the hammer/sear system.
    That being said, the Glock trigger is a lot safer, and certainly takes less training to be safe and sure.
    Glock has a lot more support from the factory than any other company.
    The primary reason that police departments use Glock, is that when large amounts of guns are bought, the is a substantial discount, which means that when people buy guns, they tend to buy what the professionals carry.
    I don’t buy Glock because they are blockey and I believe the more-conventional steel guns work smoother.
    You can buy whatever you want…it’s your money, and you can certainly buy worse.
    I don’t care (much) what you buy, and long as you shoot, and enjoy yourself
    Have fun,

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