Biden’s Gun Plan Includes ‘Task Force’ Trying To Find Link Between Porn, Stalking Women, And Mass Shootings


Those on the political left have been screaming over the last few years about “conspiracy theories” put forward by those who aren’t on the left. Those same leftists have also been infuriated by Trump and political conservatives referring to the mainstream media as “fake news.”

But when the political left pushes for crazy ideas, it isn’t a conspiracy theory just because it’s pointed out by someone on the political right.

Keep that in mind as you re-read the headline on the top of this article because the Biden / Harris administration, which is clearly solidly on the far left politically, has already started calling for some bizarre things. The Firearms Policy Coalition recently published this about one of those bizarre things:


President-Elect Biden’s gun plan says that he “will convene a national Task Force with federal agencies, state leaders, advocates, law enforcement, and technology experts to study rampant online sexual harassment, stalking, and threats, including revenge porn and deepfakes — and the connection between this harassment, mass shootings, extremism and violence against women.”

The FPC’s article continues:

One of the most likely outcomes from Biden’s proposed task force is that it separately studies gun-related speech. By allowing such an organization to establish “best practices”, Biden’s task force would create atmospheres of extreme oversight, chilling Second Amendment-related free speech and expression, and hijack the conditioning of our children. The established practices would likely be adopted by private sector entities to curry favor with the Biden Administration, ultimately leading these companies to institute the type of censorship and red flagging that anti-gun lawmakers could only dream of.

Just to be clear: It’s not a joke that Biden and his leftist cronies are looking to draw a link between porn, stalking women, and mass shootings. Of course, the thing that they’ll target is gun ownership. The leftists won’t target the porn industry or any other media industry even though guns don’t change people’s beliefs or behaviors while media can influence those things.

Just another “great leap forward” (to borrow from communist Mao Zedong) for anti-gunners and those on the political left.



  1. True Americans, listen , its time to prepare for the worst, start by getting off all media Facebook, Twitter etc, stop watching CNN, ABC, CBS, ETC, WHY YOU HIT THEM IN THEIR POCKET BOOK, Lets come together as never before, by taking to each other instead of texting or emailing, they are listening and reading it all. If you dont believe me just watch how open they will get after 20 January, God, County, Freedom, Family. God bless America.

  2. It’s ok for touchy feely Joe to fondle women an kids time to remove criminals from our congress an not let them in the white house either

  3. The operative words are: Shall Not be Infringed. Anything that infringes on our RIGHT to keep & bear arms is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This is not open to debate nor negotiation.
    Our First Amendments Rights are being canceled and thus infringed upon. This will not stop until We the People say NO! and back it up with our right to keep and bear arms. Once the First & Second are canceled the rest will fall and we will no longer have our Constitutional Republic.
    My oath of enlistment has no expiration date; live free or die.

  4. The illegitimate Chinese puppet regime knows that outright confiscation of lawful firearms will not pass muster – at least until they can pack the Supreme Court – and will be resisted, while gun buybacks will be ignored. Their best chance of disarming the citizenry, at which time the Global Reset can be applied in its full rigor as in disarmed Australia and New Zealand is through “red flag” laws, and everyone will have to have a “red flag”. You may be a hunter or a gun collector with an absolutely pristine record, but our studies indicate that you might be a rapist or a pedophile or a racist we just haven’t found yet, so hand ’em over. The problem for them will come when this tenuous chain of a priori reasoning is imposed by a pedophile and a rapist, as well as a dement, a bribe-taker and an election-stealer, but that’s what the thousands of troops are for. Down with the dictatorahip! Biden delendum est!

  5. They should eaxmine the lack of sex as the source of some “mass” shooting since wiping out a family is classed the same as shooting up a mall.

  6. It’s like this; if you have your head up your ass your constant outlook will be shit. Adding another “study” will only lead to the results desired. The islamocommunist party is trying to find some reason to outright decree an unconstitutional ban on all firearms.
    Understand this 1 important fact; over 200 million firearms in the hands of US citizens is the ONLY thing keeping us reasonably free at this point. Without 2nd Amendment Rights we are no longer citizens, we are subjects. I prefer to be a citizen and will do what is necessary to remain as such.

  7. There is a link between those and they don’t have to search far! They all belong to the Democrat Party or are raised in a far left liberal Democrat home. It should be illegal for any Democrat to own a gun, because science has even proved that mental illness runs in Democrats. Don’t believe me, look it up!!!

  8. 40 years scum sucking taxpayer dollars, chinese pals and their money, etc
    40 years biden languished in and around the deep swamp
    his accomplishments?
    just one
    its called FRAUD

  9. He needs to organize a tack force to investigate dirty old men smelling young girls hair and touching women they’re not related to.

  10. “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.”, Marbury v. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176 (1803).
    As you can see, the US Supreme Court already addressed issues which violate the Constitution and did so more than 218 years ago. Goes to show that Democrats will ignore the Constitution and the Supreme Court to ram their ‘vision’ down the throats of the American people, regardless of the laws already passed.

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