You Won’t Believe What Leftist Group Is Griping About


We truly live in a world where so many people have absolutely no grasp on reality. Now, I’m not even talking about subjects, in this case, that would cause the thought police to want to censor what we’re talking about (more than they already try because we’re talking positively about guns and gun ownership).

No, I’m talking about the fact that so many people on the left side of the political aisle have no answers for how to prevent problems and, then, freak out when rational people have answers. Maybe especially when that answer involves people legally carrying firearms.

I’m not kidding. Carlos Garcia writes,


Socialists and anti-police activists spoke out against the use of armed police officers at the Central Library in San Antonio, Texas, in order to counteract a dramatic increase in attacks by homeless people.

Garcia continues:

Officials instituted a pilot program where an armed police officer would walk around the San Antonio Central Library for about ten hours a day [after there were 18 incidents that occurred at the library including one staff member being kicked in the face].

Socialists and other community members were outraged and expressed their fury at a board meeting in December.

“The library is one of the last truly public and free spaces where people have access to a plethora of resources,” Ruby Jimenez, a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, told the board.

“By allowing police in these spaces, we’re adding a level of needless intimidation and quite literal violence to these spaces.”

Anti-police activists also said that the presence of an armed and uniformed police officer could cause people from marginalized communities to be intimated.

Again, from Garcia:

Jimenez went on to tell the board that her group preferred a social worker trained in de-escalation tactics instead of a police officer.

That’s right, the socialists want someone who can’t prevent violence to be who is there in order to try to prevent people who have been doing violence from doing violence.

This is almost an Abbott & Costello comedy routine, it’s so absurd. Forget “Who’s on first?” Now, it’s “How can we make sure that more violence occurs while pretending we’re doing something to prevent it?”

These people are living in a vision of the world from the 1960s through that haze of hallucinogenic drugs that they’re still taking.

Look, the way that you stop someone with violent tendencies from committing violence again is that they have to be scared that they’ll be the one getting hurt if they try to hurt someone, and you have to be able to actually back up that threat.

That’s why so many defensive gun uses don’t require firing a shot. It’s because the would-be attacker knows that you can. And that’s the point of having armed police officers there.

But leftist political activists don’t live in the real world. It’s just unbelievable the nonsense that they advocate for.



  1. This article is so fucking stupid. As gun enthusiasts- which believe it or not includes a fair amount of leftists- we should be advocating for guns to be only where they are needed, which is not libraries. Many homeless are experiencing mental health crises and verbal de escalation is very effective, not to mention many social workers are trained in cpi and non lethal holds – I work on a mental health unit and the presence of police or security always escalates everyone which is not what you want in a crisis. Cops rarely use de escalation effectively if at all.

  2. “To force, nothing but force can be successfully opposed.” – William Lamb, Lord Melbourne. I have had the profound misfortune to have a person with whom I was intimately involved fall prey to borderline personality dysfunction. This disorder is analogous to being possessed by a demon. The victim of it can chemically transition from being a normal rational person instantaneously and without warning into a fierce manic attacker existing only in the moment with no ability to consider consequences. They are not subject to de-escalation save by imposed physical restraint. Ask a policeman.

  3. Perhaps the the socialists and the anti-police activists should get together and fix the homeless problem. Then perhaps the homeless wouldn’t be as angry and wouldn’t use violence to try to fix their immediate problem, being homeless. If they don’t want to do that maybe they should look into self defense classes led by non violent instructors. My second choice would be to hire the clown that criticizes gun owners and have him do the same but for homeless for being homeless. However, the clown may have to retire though from his chosen profession due to injuries from an angry homeless people. Some people just can’t take a joke you know! But look at it this way, possibly the clown will become homeless because of finantial stress caused by this incident and have first hand solutions for the problem of being homeless. Life has a way of being serious sometimes. Good luck to the socialists and the anti-police activists, by then they maybe in the position as the clown and the other angry homeless people. It could happen you know.

  4. You know it’s no wonder this country is going to the dogs. One thing is for sure though, these socialists and leftists or upside down or sideways, these people are a problem to the people of reality. This country would be better off without them point-blank…

  5. The Bible said it would be this way at the end of this age of grace, many Christians have been fooled into not doing there job, that God said to do, and become to busy like the world, in padding there nest’s.
    Living like the world rather then living for Jesus Christ, who gave his life on the cross for our sins.
    They forgot there first love Jesus Christ., Yet he is coming for the ones who LOVE him, very soon 🙂
    The foolish virgins will have to wait for a while, and will miss the wedding !

  6. The anti-police, anti-gun, anti-self defense people are the first ones to call the police and the first ones to complain when the police aren’t there to protect them within ten seconds. They are the politicians who do not want the common people to have a gun to protect themselves but have their own armed guards for protection. How long would mankind exist if all these foolish people were the only people on the planet? Common sense, intelligence, faith in the Lord and real life experience are things they refuse to accept.

  7. It is astounding to listen what these fruit loop liberals come up with. First they leave their homes and
    Invade the United States of America and what do they expect us to do? Welcome them with open arms
    feed them provide them with housing and medical treatment; They bitch and complain when they do not
    get all that some bottom feeder told them before trekking who knows how many mile being robbed along
    the way, assaulted and raped by who knows how many scum bags. Then the come her and bitch about our
    laws, language, police and the welfare that they are given. They are out of their freaking minds and especially those who like the ones in the article who complained about the Police, For the most part we have men and women who put their lives on the line every day to keep then safe from harm. If they don’t like
    it here then get the hell out and go back to you “paradise hell hole” from which you came. And if that hurts
    their feeling I really could giver a rats behind

  8. Thank you “CAM” for advertising a new safe place for gun toting criminals to safely (for them) to go on a killing spree. Just another example of feel good DO NOTHING laws. Being from Aurora CO – I PERSONALLY KNOW several people who were at the Century Theater during the shooting spree. Two are concealed carry holder’s but to abide by the theater rules. left their weapon in the car… several others where wishing there were ccw holders there. Now of them will ever attend that theater again. It was back then, a no gun “safe zone”. Today it still is. Think of the headlines a nut case would get if he/she hit that place a SECOND TIME’ It would make the first time look like last page news in comparison. There is JUST NO FIXING STUPID (LOOKING AT YOU).

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