Lawsuit Shows SCARY Effect Of Gun Control No One Is Talking About


Opponents of gun control have long argued that gun control is unconstitutional simply because of the sweeping nature of the Second Amendment (when read the way that it’s written). What many people still don’t realize, though, is that gun control has other very troubling effects beyond the limiting of people’s ability to defend themselves.

A recent lawsuit in one state takes aim at a gun control law in that area based upon a very real concern over the danger that the law creates for law-abiding citizens. Bianca Bruno writes,

An attorney representing millions of California gun owners said Tuesday their challenge to a California law disclosing their personal information to gun violence researchers is the first of its kind.

“We have been unable to find a single case like this one where vast amounts of information that have been collected and stored by the government is then sought to be disclosed to third parties without notice where people could not consent to disclosure,” Michael Reynolds of Snell & Wilmer told U.S. District Judge Larry Alan Burns.

At issue is a constitutional challenge by California gun owners who claim Assembly Bill 173 — a 2021 law which amended California firearms laws to authorize the state attorney general to disclose gun owners’ personal information to the California Firearm Violence Research Center at UC Davis — violates their privacy rights.

Bruno continues:


[Reynolds] suggested the disclosure of gun owners’ information [to gun researchers] including the addresses of their personal residence and business could make them “subject to attack” by people opposed to gun ownership or burglars looking to steal the weapons.

Based on the fact that many gun “researchers” are, in reality, simply anti-2A people looking for flimsy excuses to justify their knee-jerk opposition to people owning guns, Reynolds’s argument is valid. We’ve seen people from that side of the political aisle attack people during “mostly peaceful protests” using physical violence, and having this data available to people who already hate gun owners means that there is a significant legitimate risk to the personal safety of people (the legal gun owners) who haven’t hurt anyone or violated any law.

This is another danger from gun control that no one seems to be talking about: gun control makes gun owners both more likely to be the target of attack from anti-gunners and for attempted theft by those who seek to steal firearms.

Legal gun ownership isn’t a justification for endangering law-abiding citizens (the gun owners), and Assembly Bill 173 needs to invalidated by the court.



  1. The Demonrat scam is not only unconstitutional but also no more than a power mongering game for complete control over the population. They’re not fooling anyone and they need to be held accountable. That constitution was set up to bring the states together. Without it there is no country.

  2. Viewed from the standpoint of the criminals, the most absolute gun control laws (to which they will not adhere) are the best: They considerably reduce the risk of on-the-job injuries. Which leads me to question: How many of the gun control nuts are, actually, criminals operating in their own self interest? Does this apply to governments, too?

  3. These “gun researchers” that personal information will be released to, will they be properly bonded and insured to ensure that any leaks of private information will be justly compensated?
    What sort of research, in particular, requires the exposure of personal information? Shouldn’t those who are gatekeepers of this trove of information demand justification?

  4. Those in power want gun control for one main purpose, and that purpose is for full control. When you have a
    citizenship that is armed, those in power cannot have the control they want. The only way to fully control a people is to disarm them and then the ones that have guns are the ones in power and the criminal. Is everyone so stupid to think that crime will stop when we are disarmed?? Do you think that the gangs, the drug cartel, the mafia and criminals in general will give up their guns?? No!! Let us get to the point, crime is not the reason for gun control, it is for power. The crime in the U.S., based on population of course is so low compared to other countries that we are almost to the bottom of the list. Wake up you stupid people, we are the lambs heading to slaughter.

  5. One other thing the woke generation does not realize. look at the world stage. the Ukraine, is being Invaded and it’s government needs guns to give to it’s citizens to fight the Invaders. If you were part of the Greatest Generation, you know the Japs Knew they couldn’t Invade the USA, because as one said. There will be a GUN behind Every Blade of Grass. THE ARMED USA CITIZEN. You see we have the LARGET ARMY in the WORLD, because of the SECOND amendment. An as LINCOLN said, ” we will never be Defeated from Without, if we are defeated it will be from WITHIN “. And it is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. One other thing the woke generation does not realize. look at the world stage. the Ukraine, is being Invaded and it’s government needs guns to give to it’s citizens to fight the Invaders. If you were part of the Greatest Generation, you know the Japs Knew they couldn’t Invade the USA, because as one said. There will be a GUN behind Every Blade of Grass. THE ARMED USA CITIZEN. You see we have the LARGET ARMY in the WORLD, because of the SECOND amendment. An as LINCOLN said, ” we will never be Defeated from Without, if we are defeated it will be from WITHIN “. And it is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I said it before, judt maybe it needs saying AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The most important part of 2nd Amendment is it is so Citizens can protect themselves from a tyrannical government which is exactly what we have now with the Communist Democrats. History shows us that every dictatorship took guns away from citizens so they had no way to fight back.

  8. Everyone needs be in a Trust and specifically a Private Membership Association, even trump new club card can fulfill that all he has to do is attach a Compact that we the people sign, then de facto would be trespassing until their Bankruptcy swallow’s then up. You could use the Common law charters of all 47 states under you own personal contract and when some breaches you publication thereof you place them in a lien like a Republic feature..

  9. Fortunately I don’t live in kalypornia so this will not directly affect me. OTOH it is just one more ‘death by a thousand paper cuts’ mentality that is so pervasive in the antis ‘culture’.
    Remember when a ‘news’ paper somewhere in New York state felt they were ‘obligated’ to publish the personal info on citizens who owned guns. A couple of problems with that – it gave out a list for thieves AND perhaps even more troubling is – how did they get that info? Hint: it came from some level of ‘gun registration’ – that is all that needs to be said.

  10. About a decade ago Illinois went through a similar situation with the FOID card information being made public …
    It never fails the government collects information and some group will want it …

  11. Hopefully they sue the state of California for millions of dollars for putting them at risk and usurping their constitutional rights under the 2nd and 4th ammendment

  12. Another, and very real problem, is some thugs research to find households with weapons to STEAL them! Cheaper even than buying them on the streets! I WOULD, however, approve revealing the addresses of gun-control nuts who continually advocate gun-control! Chances are THESE do NOT have the ability to defend THEIR domiciles! Thieves LOVE to know who ISN’T armed!

    • Yes it does. Do your research. First thing that dictatorships do is disarm or make criminals of gun owners. Look at Nazi Germany. China. My understanding is that, in WW2, the Japanese did not invade the US.. because of armed citizens. Now.. this current, fraudulent regime is going after guns with a vengeance. Look at the cities that have gun control. Chicago and New York come to mind. Those cities have some of the highest shooting rates in the country. You can bet 99 percent of them are using stolen firearms. California is nuts.. let it become its own country.

  13. They can make all the laws they want, but when it comes time to try changing the Constitution to fit those laws they will be §h*t out of luck cause there are more gun owners than there are nut jobs who want to take ’em. Gun owners will vote u down so good luck with THAT…..

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